
Next-Generation Graphics Engine
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PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 01:22 

Joined: 30.05.2012, 00:58
Posts: 5
When I try building Beta 5 on Visual Studio 2010 it reports three build errors:

Error   99   error MSB3073: The command "xcopy "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Samples\Chicago\../../Build/Sample Chicago/Debug\Sample Chicago.exe" "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Samples\Chicago\../../Binaries/Win32" /y
:VCEnd" exited with code 4.   G:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets   113   6   Sample Chicago
Error   98   error MSB3073: The command "xcopy "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Samples\Knight\../../Build/Sample Knight/Debug\Sample Knight.exe" "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Samples\Knight\../../Binaries/Win32" /y
:VCEnd" exited with code 4.   G:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets   113   6   Sample Knight
Error   88   error MSB3073: The command "xcopy "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Source\ColladaConverter\../../Build/Collada Converter/Debug\Collada Converter.exe" "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Source\ColladaConverter\../../Binaries/Win32" /y
:VCEnd" exited with code 4.   G:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets   113   6   Collada Converter

I haven't programmed in C/C++ for a while, and I never used Visual Studio 2010 before so it is possible that I am doing something stupid here. All I did was open .sln file, and it asked me if I want to convert solution to 2010 version, I said yes, and and after couple of next>next>next> I just clicked Build->build solution.

What am I doing wrong?

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PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 05:04 

Joined: 15.02.2009, 02:13
Posts: 161
Location: Sydney Australia
Hi mastodon,

That part is when the compiled dll/binaries go into the Binaries/Win32/ directory and it's failing with error 4:
http://www.microsoft.com/resources/docu ... x?mfr=true
"Initialization error occurred. There is not enough memory or disk space, or you entered an invalid drive name or invalid syntax on the command line."

Have a look in "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Build\Sample Chicago\Debug\Sample Chicago.exe" and the other files which it lists actually exist somewhere and manually place them into "H:\firefox_dwld\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Binaries\Win32\" then run the exe's. If it didn't error out before these lines then most likely it compiled successfully and it is just the xcopy line which is not working. I'm not sure where this line is exactly but if you go into the project's properties and try to find all the xcopy lines, try changing all the forward slashes to backslashes.

The alternative is to use cmake (comes with a GUI) which can generate VS2010 project files for you which might be better formatted. Hope this helps!


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PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 07:28 

Joined: 30.05.2012, 00:58
Posts: 5
Thank you, MistaED, I found generated exe and dll files which I placed in binaries\win32 directory and now it works! However, I can't figure out how to edit xcopy line. It reports error at:

<Exec Command="%(PostBuildEvent.Command)$(BuildSuffix)" Condition="'%(PostBuildEvent.Command)' != ''"/>

I am going to check out cmake, maybe that can help me. A few more questions, if you don't mind:

1) How good is Horde3D for trying out procedural generation? I would like to use it to draw a stickman and create walking skeletal animation for that stickman, all from code. Also experimenting with custom built shaders. Is Horde3D right for me?

2) How well it plays with other languages? As you can see, my C++ skills are rusty so I would prefer something else. I notice that it has alternate interface built in C, so creating bindings for other languages should not be a problem (assuming interface is up to date.) Has anyone tried creating SWIG Interface file?

3) For objects that aren't procedurally generated, does Horde3D work well with Blender?

4) Will development of the engine continue? Please don't get it wrong but judging by activity here it kinda looks like a semi-abandoned project. Which would be a shame, really, since I think that the world definitely needs lightweight graphic engine. Most are just too bloated, in my opinion.

Thanks for your help again.

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PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 14:44 

Joined: 17.11.2009, 17:00
Posts: 205
Location: Russia, Moscow
This error was introduced with vs 2010 as they created a new build system, in previous versions xcopy worked flawlessly. For now, you can change the slashes in the xcopy paths to backslashes and it will work.

Regarding point 2: you can use horde in .net languages, there are official bindings. You can download the latest version from sourceforge svn.

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PostPosted: 30.05.2012, 20:03 

Joined: 30.05.2012, 00:58
Posts: 5
Created new solution with cmake, and now it works. Thanks.

Looking forward to other answers.

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PostPosted: 31.05.2012, 02:35 

Joined: 15.02.2009, 02:13
Posts: 161
Location: Sydney Australia
1) How good is Horde3D for trying out procedural generation? I would like to use it to draw a stickman and create walking skeletal animation for that stickman, all from code. Also experimenting with custom built shaders. Is Horde3D right for me?

2) How well it plays with other languages? As you can see, my C++ skills are rusty so I would prefer something else. I notice that it has alternate interface built in C, so creating bindings for other languages should not be a problem (assuming interface is up to date.) Has anyone tried creating SWIG Interface file?

3) For objects that aren't procedurally generated, does Horde3D work well with Blender?

4) Will development of the engine continue? Please don't get it wrong but judging by activity here it kinda looks like a semi-abandoned project. Which would be a shame, really, since I think that the world definitely needs lightweight graphic engine. Most are just too bloated, in my opinion.

1) Horde3D accels very well in a data-driven way, you load in .scene.xml/.geo generated from a package and it just works, provided the data is correct. Having said that, the accompanying library Horde3DUtils has functions to produce procedural content for geometry and textures, and there's low-level access to buffers using the map stream API which gives you a pointer to the vertex data so you can iterate a loop over the values to change them in your procedural function. If this isn't flexible enough, there's an extensions mechanism which allows you to create your own formats or procedural approaches and a way to make your own function pointer which is a callback to the rendering system to render it how you want, and the terrain extension is a perfect example that you could adapt to your own, provided that you're proficient at C++ though...

2) Horde has a really good C-API which like you said, makes it easy to wrap to any language. In the alternative repository there's many many bindings however they often lag behind the API changes of the sourceforge releases. http://horde3d.org/wiki/index.php5?title=Community_Branch

3) I believe Blender now exports correctly formatted collada formats that the ColladaConverter can convert to Horde's native formats. If you want to go back to v2.49b of blender there's a python script which exported to Horde, but I don't know if that has been maintained for the latest Blender as the collada pipeline is preferred.

4) Development is slow due to the core team being employed :) but there has been updates here and there, the next big step is to take out the scenegraph and make it a reference external utility so that the rendering engine is purely submission-based and to have model joints cache-aligned for a speed-up in animation updates. There are also external developments, I'm slowly porting it to ES 2.0 and fine-tune it for NaCL/Android/iOS and support more texture formats. It isn't abandoned though, and there's a university using it for student projects.

Hope this answers your questions.


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PostPosted: 31.05.2012, 03:36 

Joined: 30.05.2012, 00:58
Posts: 5
Thank, MistaED. That was very helpful.

You answered all my question but one, about SWIG warper. In case you don't know SWIG is binding creation tool. It can create bindings for about dozen languages. I think it would be cool for someone to create SWIG interface, if no one did it already. I am personally most interesting in seeing interface for Racket (scheme variant) but I think it is generally more expedient than manually creating bindings.

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PostPosted: 31.05.2012, 03:51 

Joined: 15.02.2009, 02:13
Posts: 161
Location: Sydney Australia
mastodon wrote:
Thank, MistaED. That was very helpful.

You answered all my question but one, about SWIG warper. In case you don't know SWIG is binding creation tool. It can create bindings for about dozen other languages. I think it would be cool for someone to create SWIG interface, if no one did it already. I am personally most interesting in seeing interface for Racket (scheme variant) but I think it is generally more expedient than manually creating bindings.

From the looks of SWIG it could just literally be creating an .i file with this inside:
%module Horde3D
#include "Horde3D.h"
#include "Horde3DUtils.h"
%include "Horde3D.h"
%include "Horde3DUtils.h"

Done! Maybe... :)


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PostPosted: 31.05.2012, 03:53 

Joined: 30.05.2012, 00:58
Posts: 5
Will try it out. Doubt it will work out of the box like that, but thanks.

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PostPosted: 04.06.2012, 16:01 

Joined: 01.06.2012, 19:29
Posts: 7
Irdis wrote:
This error was introduced with vs 2010 as they created a new build system, in previous versions xcopy worked flawlessly. For now, you can change the slashes in the xcopy paths to backslashes and it will work.

Regarding point 2: you can use horde in .net languages, there are official bindings. You can download the latest version from sourceforge svn.

How do I change the slashes in the xcopy path in Visual Studio 2010 ?

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PostPosted: 05.06.2012, 08:36 

Joined: 17.11.2009, 17:00
Posts: 205
Location: Russia, Moscow
Juggernaut wrote:
Irdis wrote:
This error was introduced with vs 2010 as they created a new build system, in previous versions xcopy worked flawlessly. For now, you can change the slashes in the xcopy paths to backslashes and it will work.

Regarding point 2: you can use horde in .net languages, there are official bindings. You can download the latest version from sourceforge svn.

How do I change the slashes in the xcopy path in Visual Studio 2010 ?

In VS 2010 menu Project - Horde3D properties - Configuration Properties - Build Events - Post-Build Event.
Here you'll see something like xcopy "...". Change the slashes to backslashes.

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PostPosted: 16.10.2013, 14:26 

Joined: 16.10.2013, 14:02
Posts: 1
I have the same xcopy error. The backslash change did not helped me out. I try cmake and nothing. I didn't find any folders to copy the Sample Knight.exe like they mentioned...

I use Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate on Win8 and also tried it out on Win7 with the same results.

I don't know what is wrong or what did i do wrong.

Any advise?

Error 3 error MSB3073: The command "xcopy "D:\Projects\VisualStudio\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Samples\Knight\../../Build/Sample Knight/Debug\Sample Knight.exe" "D:\Projects\VisualStudio\Horde3D_SDK_1.0.0_Beta5\Horde3D\Samples\Knight\..\..\Binaries\Win32" /y
:VCEnd" exited with code 4. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 113 6 Sample Knight

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