hi every one, i am using horde3d for rendering characters now, just like the Chicago example does, and i am initlize the characters with different models and walk styles, but it is very slow to initlize the scene, i set the partical number 50, then the initlization step cost about 12 seconds, i can get 40 FPS in such situation when run it, and about 14 FPS for 100 particals.
i just make the change as below: i choose 16 models and 3 walk styles to generate different particals. so a switch (rand()% 16) condition to deside which model to use, and switch(rand() %3) condition to deside which walk style to use.
So can anyone tell me what's the problem of my program, and how to make it run faster and initlize faster? my PC entironment: Processor : intel xeon x5550@2.67GHZ,(2 porcessors) Memory :8.0GB 64-bit operating system Display adapters: Nvidia Quadro fx580 and Nvidia Tesla c1060.
and my setting is : 1 light and pipeline:defferred
Thanks a lot.
good luck.