
Source Code ?
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Author:  oXoMoXo [ 01.10.2006, 14:00 ]
Post subject:  Source Code ?


Since Horde3D is LGPL'ed I thought I'd find some source release, but the only package is a Win32 pre-compiled one ...

Is there any plan for source release ?



Author:  olberg [ 01.10.2006, 18:22 ]
Post subject: 

I'd like to know that too because I'd like to use Horde3D with MinGW and that'd need .a library files.

Author:  marciano [ 01.10.2006, 19:36 ]
Post subject: 


the source code will be available quite soon. That's the next big point on my todo list.
I think in the coming week I will have the time to clean it up a bit and then I can release it.


Author:  marciano [ 06.10.2006, 11:26 ]
Post subject: 

So guys, the source code is now included in the latest SDK [0.5.1] :)
You can get it from the downloads site.

I think this is a big step for Horde3D and also for me personally since I have worked for such a long time on the engine and its code. Many things will still have to be improved of course but I believe that we have a good starting point now. I hope the new SDK comes up to evereone's expectations.

Author:  ullsokk [ 11.10.2006, 19:00 ]
Post subject: 

Is it possible to put the source code in a regular zip or tar.gz file for us non-windows people to have a look?


Author:  marciano [ 14.10.2006, 17:53 ]
Post subject: 

I have changed the archive format to zip now.

I like the great compression of 7-zip which made the sdk download nearly half as small as now but since the absolute size is with 3.5 MB still very moderate it doesn't matter.

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