Not sure what you want to do, but is GLFW itself not enough modularization for you screen class?
Well you may be right. call me old fashion but dumping a bunch of code in the main and app files is not my cup of tea. Now granted theses are just examples ( kignt, Chicago ). But I like to set things up more like this for example..
// Render scene
Horde3D::render( _cam );
// Remove all overlays
// Write all mesages to log file
Cleaned up
// Render scene
myGame->render( );//_cam would be a member of the class.
// Remove all overlays
// Write all mesages to log file
Yeah nothing fancy here... I mean if they dont change much why not put it in classes? And there would be a wrapper or add on h and cpp files that we all could share and reuse in any game we make. Then we could make other wrapper files for certain functions that get used a lot. Like a input class for keyboards, mice and joysticks ( unless that is already done ).
But like you said maybe I will come to see that this engine already has enough modularization. I'm still working on the editor for now..