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Author:  PuG [ 23.07.2009, 13:32 ]
Post subject:  Spam

Good day, seems convenient - my phpbb3 forums where hit by a new spam bot only the other day, and appears similar are happening to the H3D discussion boards? I recommend installing the human question mod, easy to do and appears todo the trick.

Best Regards.

Author:  Volker [ 23.07.2009, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spam

Thanks for the hint, I just discovered the spam and removed it, but we should really add some better anti-spam mod in the near future.

Author:  marciano [ 23.07.2009, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spam

There are a few spammers every now and then. Luckily the number has been relatively low so far. The good thing with phpbb3 is that you can delete a user with all his posts quite easily.

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