
Import 3DS Max material and map to Horde3D
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Author:  panovr [ 01.12.2011, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  Import 3DS Max material and map to Horde3D

after some struggling, I have imported model, material and map from 3DS Max 2012 to Horde3D (Horde3D editor especially), please see the following image :D :
hed.jpg [ 158.81 KiB | Viewed 15252 times ]

Tools I used is 3DS Max 2012 with ColladaMax, Horde3D Editor community editor compitable with Horde3D beta 5.
One question: from the log output, there was a warning message:
Warning: Resource'textures/common/defnorm.tga of type 7: No data loaded (file not found?)

What is the reason?

By the way, maybe should I write a simple tutorial about the workflow in the wiki?

Author:  Volker [ 01.12.2011, 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Import 3DS Max material and map to Horde3D

panovr wrote:
One question: from the log output, there was a warning message:
Warning: Resource'textures/common/defnorm.tga of type 7: No data loaded (file not found?)

What is the reason?

The defnorm.tga is the default normal map referenced in the model.shader
panovr wrote:
By the way, maybe should I write a simple tutorial about the workflow in the wiki?

Contributing to the wiki is always appreciated

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