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PostPosted: 29.11.2011, 03:52 

Joined: 16.10.2011, 14:20
Posts: 15
I use 3DS Max 2012, and the FBX Plugin version is 2012.02. I created a model, which included three geometric objects, and I grouped them into one, and assign a material, then export to .dae format.
When exporting, 3DS Max 2012 output the following message:
While reading or writing a file the following notifications have been raised.
    -Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node box will lose its geometric information. The node transforms will be saved.

After then, I use ColladaConv to convert the model, below is the output message:
D:\project\content>ColladaConv.exe box.DAE
Horde3D ColladaConv - 1.0.0 Beta5

Processing MODELS - Path: box.DAE

Parsing dae asset 'box.DAE'...
Warning: No scene instance found
Compiling model data...

It seems that nothing was converted, what's wrong with model?
I have attached my 3DS Max 2012 model file for convenience.

File comment: 3ds max 2012 model file
box.rar [15.18 KiB]
Downloaded 1542 times

Last edited by panovr on 30.11.2011, 14:16, edited 2 times in total.
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PostPosted: 29.11.2011, 14:45 

Joined: 23.07.2009, 21:03
Posts: 51
Location: Germany
I'm unable to open your file with 3ds 2011. Can you upload it in a 2011 compatible kind of way?

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PostPosted: 30.11.2011, 09:04 

Joined: 16.10.2011, 14:20
Posts: 15
Roland wrote:
I'm unable to open your file with 3ds 2011. Can you upload it in a 2011 compatible kind of way?

Yes, I used the "Save As 3DS Max 2011" item to save my model in 2011 version, please see the attached file, thanks!

box2011.rar [15.27 KiB]
Downloaded 1587 times
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PostPosted: 30.11.2011, 09:36 

Joined: 23.07.2009, 21:03
Posts: 51
Location: Germany
Seems like the autodesk collada exporter doesn't support grouped objects.
It worked fine with the OpenCollada exporter.

Remember you need to texture your model or modify the model shader to make your model visible in Horde3D.

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PostPosted: 30.11.2011, 13:06 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
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Location: Germany
If you want to do a quick test if an untextured object's geometry is correctly imported you may try to use the debug rendering mode.

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PostPosted: 30.11.2011, 14:30 

Joined: 16.10.2011, 14:20
Posts: 15
Roland wrote:
Seems like the autodesk collada exporter doesn't support grouped objects.
It worked fine with the OpenCollada exporter.

So the message below outputed by 3DS Max 2012 should mean that the Collada export plugin doesn't support grouped objects:
While reading or writing a file the following notifications have been raised.
    -Warning: Null not supported by COLLADA. Node box will lose its geometric information. The node transforms will be saved.

Maybe I should add the information to the wiki http://www.horde3d.org/wiki/index.php5?title=DCC_Tool_Support (I have added it to the wiki)

Roland wrote:
Remember you need to texture your model or modify the model shader to make your model visible in Horde3D.

Suppose I doesn't texture my model like the attached file, and I only set the model's material by "Phong" or "Blinn" illumination model (using the Ambient light, Diffuse light and Specular light), after I export the model to .dae format, and then convert the .dae format to Horde3D resource format, can Horde3D render the model with the material I set in 3DS Max 2012?

Last edited by panovr on 30.11.2011, 14:43, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: 30.11.2011, 14:36 

Joined: 16.10.2011, 14:20
Posts: 15
Volker wrote:
If you want to do a quick test if an untextured object's geometry is correctly imported you may try to use the debug rendering mode.

Hi Volker, I am reading the Horde3D documation, but can't find how to set the debug rendering mode.
Also, does the Horde3D editor support the test that if an untextured object's geometry is correctly imported?

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PostPosted: 01.12.2011, 07:20 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
Posts: 1150
Location: Germany
You can enable debug rendering using:
h3dSetOption( H3DOptions::DebugViewMode, 1 )

The editor does no additional checks. So all you get is the same debug output messages that you will get using h3dutDumpMessages. If there is a referenced texture that couldn't be loaded, you will see an error in the log. Not sure if you will get an error if you have no texture referenced but the shader you're using is expecting one. Probably not.

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