luckily its 1300 for the number of characters in the chicago sample

but still its a lot. Each mesh has its own texture, but really it should be batched better as the characters are all the same. I guess its fine if all characters are using the same texture but shows issues when individual submesh parts use seperate textures (its a bit like an MMO would do).
I've just this minute downloaded the other exporter (I figured the autodesk one wasnt really very informative).
To be clear, the model is basically a bunch of boxes. The bones are also boxes, the model is basically a copy of the bones. So I have a bone heirarchy and a model heirarchy, a skin modifier placed on the model to bind it to the bones. Pretty simple, but should work.
I have some weird issues with it in Ogre, in that one frame of animation has a weird transform in it. I figured I'd use it as a test case for the pipeline of Horde in comparison. So far the pipeline has been pretty similar, aside from using collada as the format (which I much prefer to some proprietary format). So now its just a case of getting the animation working. The anim file is produced, but doesnt play for some reason.