"LNK2019:unresolved external symbol..."
That means the you're missing some required libraries. Not sure which because you haven't posted which symbols are not resolved. I have listed those that we usually link against.
Make sure you have in your project properties in Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies: Horde3DUtils.lib, glfw.lib (or the version of glfw that you use), Horde3D.lib, opengl32.lib, Horde3DTerrain.lib (if required by your build) and in General->Additional Library Directories make sure you have the folders that contain those libraries so Visual Studio can find them.
Horde3D.lib and Horde3DUtils.lib are part of the engine.
opengl32.lib is, well, OpenGL. Horde3d's renderer uses that.
glfw.lib is the opengl windowing and input framework that we normally use. It might be called glfw3.lib, depending on the version.
Horde3DTerrain.lib is the terrain library extension, depends if you use it or not.
Hope this helps.