
Setting up a Horde3D app
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Author:  GregC [ 27.11.2010, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Setting up a Horde3D app

Hello everyone,

I'm new to C++, and I don't really know how to import the Horde libraries into my project.
Here's what I've done so far:
I've compiled Horde3DEngine and Horde3DUtils with gcc and code::blocks in Windows.
I got 40 warnings or so but no errors.
Now I have a "build" folder inside Horde's directory with 2 other folders, the Engine's and the Utils.
Each one has their .o object files, a lib.dll.a, lib.dll.def and an untitled .dll (should I rename it to Horde3D.dll?)

Ok so now how may I set up a Hello world in code::blocks with Horde3D?

Thanks in advance.

ps sorry if that has been answered before but I searched the forum and found nothing on that matter.

Author:  GregC [ 27.11.2010, 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up a Horde3D app

Well I guess google is my friend. I found a tutorial on how to link the libraries in code::blocks.
I've tried to compile the 1st tutorial and I run into another problem though.
The compiler gives me the error:

cannot find -lHorde3D

Anyone can help?

Author:  phoenix64 [ 28.11.2010, 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up a Horde3D app

That means that C::B did not find the "Horde3D.dll" which you have created earlier. You have to set the linker search paths accordingly or move the DLL to a place where C::B finds it.

Author:  Orm [ 07.12.2010, 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up a Horde3D app

As a word of friendly advice, if you are new to programming, I would highly suggest you look into a more streamlined workflow. Look up gcc compiler options, learn a command-line build system like scons or make, learn a proper editor like Vim (my personal favorite) or emacs. It's a bit daunting at first, but i guarantee you you won't want to ever go back. Bundled build systems are overrated. :D

As for your error, look into the -L compiler option.

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