
Mesh LOD settings per-camera
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Author:  MistaED [ 22.03.2011, 01:11 ]
Post subject:  Mesh LOD settings per-camera


Is it at all possible to set a throttler multiplier based on the camera for the model LODs? If not, I'm proposing an option for H3DCamera like 'LodMultiplierF' with the default set to 1.0 where it multiplies the LodDist1F-to-LodDist4F numbers in each H3DModel node. This is immensely handy if you want to render an off-screen render2texture of water or a mirror or anything else but you want to use lower-lods for performance reasons.

If there's already a way to do this sans for an application-level node param change on every H3DModel node I'm all ears. :)

Thanks all

Author:  marciano [ 23.03.2011, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mesh LOD settings per-camera

Hi, we do not have that in horde at the moment but it is certainly a good proposal. Instead of using a multiplier for the distances, it would also be possible to use a LOD bias which could always decrease the selected LOD by one or two levels.

Author:  MistaED [ 25.03.2011, 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mesh LOD settings per-camera

Hi Marciano,

Thinking about it, a lod bias value which is added (or subtracted with a negative value) makes more sense than a multiplier. Please find my patch attached, it is against revision 311 from the sourceforge repository.


lodBias_by_AlexF.patch [5.29 KiB]
Downloaded 695 times

Author:  marciano [ 03.04.2011, 21:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mesh LOD settings per-camera

Thanks for the patch MistaED.

I have seen that you add the bias to the distance to select the LOD. What I was actually thinking of is decreasing the computed LOD index by that bias, so that you always use one level less for example, so that you really enforce to drop the highest LOD. I think this is easier to control as you don't have to guess a good offset/bias but the other thing can make sense as well when you just want to change the overall quality.

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