
Next-Generation Graphics Engine
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PostPosted: 25.04.2012, 15:16 

Joined: 25.04.2012, 14:23
Posts: 3
Hi all,

After a first success using de Horde beta 4 toolbox in a LabView 2011 environment, we seem not be able to robustly use this on other (W7/Vista) machines. We recoded the Knight example in LabView and got it to work, were able to control the knights arm orientation independently like we want etc.

Our implementation does not work after transportation to another physical machine, or opening in another LabView version on the samen machine, other Windows version or combinations thereoff.

2 questions came up:

1: Can somebody provide us with a 2 compiled dll's (as was provided in beta 4)?
(We do not have C-compilers or coders in the house.)
Maybe beta 5 solves our problems by way of bugs fixed or whatever way.

2: Does anyone know why H3dInit is giving us this trouble and what we should do to prevent this?

Things we tried are:
-latest video card drivers etc. (unlikely to be the complete solutions as it is working on one machine, BUT only in one LabView OS combinations).
-implement a solution in which we create a OpenGL window with windows api calls and provide the HdC to Horde3D. No luck yet.

Problem details:

A central issue seems to be the initialization of the OpenGL environment using H3DInit. In the working implementation/machine/labview/OS combination we get no error from H3DInit, but in all other cases we do. All other functions seem to respond nicely as follows from the log file and all our 'no error - pass' inidcators that we built in based on functions like 'ResourceLoaded' etc. Also rendering seems to work in the background as the consistent rendertime updates indicate.

I found some hints on the forum about inconsistencies in OpenGL parameter handling, maybe openGL files missing etc., but we are still not in control...

The logfile EngineLog.html states: 'invalid node handle in h3dsetnodetransform. there is no reference to the failing H3dInit function in the logfile.

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PostPosted: 26.04.2012, 09:22 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
Posts: 1150
Location: Germany
Haven't used LabView before, so I don't know exactly what you are talking about. Where do you know from, that h3dInit fails? If it really fails Horde would normally write the reason for the failure into the EngineLog file (or to the Debug output that may be accessible through DebugView's "Capture Global Win32"). "'invalid node handle in h3dsetnodetransform" is not a reason for a failure in h3dInit because during the initialization there's no call to h3dsetnodetransform. So it must be called afterwards by your code.

Regarding your updated Beta5 binaries: There is already a binary package at source forge for the beta5 dll's.

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PostPosted: 15.05.2012, 15:42 

Joined: 25.04.2012, 14:23
Posts: 3
Thanks for replying!
We found the log-file and the dlls as well (as part of the Horde editor install).

We are in the process up REALLY cleaning up the machines on which we were not successfull. The logfile is helpful in understanding what exactly is happening. Thank you.
I will follow up soon.

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PostPosted: 18.05.2012, 00:56 

Joined: 19.07.2011, 02:52
Posts: 7
We have had what sounds like a similar problem related to OpenGL init on W7.
Horde initialization hangs (locks up) - without displaying anything useful in the log.

From our limited testing this appears to be related to ATI drivers as Nvidia
cards in the same machine cause no problem. I should also mention that we're running across
multiple displays so this may also be a factor.

At the moment our solution is to turn off Windows 7 compositing, which fixes the problem.


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PostPosted: 19.05.2012, 14:41 

Joined: 27.03.2011, 08:40
Posts: 47
Location: Fi
What windowing system you are using? Maybe it bugs, not h3d? If you can quicly change it to other for testing purposes, maybe then it works, or not (when problem might be outside of windowing).

I have tried different systems + c#+opentk+h3d and working good (at least so far :) )

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