
Building Horde3D on Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2012
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Author:  kantaki [ 09.12.2012, 15:12 ]
Post subject:  Building Horde3D on Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2012

I am trying to build horde3d on windows 8 + VS2012. I already made an posts on SO for this which describes my problem -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1378 ... outputfile.

I thought I should post this issue here so others could find it much faster because it is related to horde3d.

Will I run into other problems with windows 8 + vs2012?

Author:  Roland [ 09.12.2012, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Building Horde3D on Windows 8 + Visual Studio 2012

I'm assuming you're downloaded Horde3D from sourceforge using this link:
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/horde3 ... _Beta5.zip

And then you opened the the Horde3D/Horde3D.sln file with Visual Studio 2012?

If so, you're having issues because of a faulty conversion of the Visual Studio 2008 project files which are included in the downloaded files.

What you can do is:

  • Use cmake to generate vs 2012 files using this command:
    @cmake -G "Visual Studio 11" ..
    (just put it in a .bat file like the ones in the CMake folder in the root directory of the horde3d.zip you downloaded)

  • Or: Download the GameEngine SVN which includes vs2010 files for Horde3D that work with vs2012.
    http://mm-werkstatt.informatik.uni-augs ... p/download
    Use the Horde3D_2010.sln file in trunk/Horde3D/
    (If there is a glfw build problem, have a look at this: viewtopic.php?p=8857#p8857)

  • Or: Edit the project files by hand:
    Assuming you used the Horde3D/Horde3D.sln file:
    For every project, right-click each in the solution explorer in visual studio, go to "Properties" and then change the General->Output directory to:
    For the two sample projects additionally change the Linker->General->Output File to
    and remove their Build Event-> Post-Build Event

    Everything should build now. And should only take a minute.
    Finally, because I somehow messed with the paths, the Content folder of the models can't be found: change line 48/47 of the knight/chicago demo app.cpp from
    _contentDir = appPath + "../Content";
    _contentDir = appPath + "Content";

If you have any problems, swing by the Horde irc channel (freenode - horde3d)


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