Hello, I am kind of programmer, and not a lawyer, could you explain me some examples where and how I can use Horde3d?
I am talking about this thing:
Basically it allows you to use Horde3D in free and commercial projects as long as you contribute improvements like bug fixes, optimizations and code refactorings back to the community.
First of all, I am not that smart to make improvements to core, so I don't have anything to send back to community. Can I use Horde3d to build closed source commercial game?
If no, what's enough to do that? If I hire some cool developer and he make one or two changes in core and I send you this, this is enough for me to use Horde3D all my life? Or I must send you improvements all the time until my game released?
Not that I looking for wormholes, this is just kind of unclear.