
My animated characters do not animate in Horde
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Author:  roarflolo [ 16.05.2008, 00:14 ]
Post subject:  My animated characters do not animate in Horde

I'm exporting from 3dsMax using the latest FCollada exporter. The character shows up in the scene and there are no errors or warnings in the log. However, the character does not animate like it does in 3dsMax.

Anything I should look out for when creating characters for Horde in 3dsMax? Some of the bones are mirrored with animation but not all.

Author:  AcidFaucet [ 16.05.2008, 00:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: My animated characters do not animate in Horde

Did you tell the exporter to export the animation? The first time I used it, I overlooked that. Bake matrices as well.

Author:  roarflolo [ 16.05.2008, 04:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: My animated characters do not animate in Horde

Yes and yes.

If I force _softwareSkinning to true it animates but the framerate is very low.

Author:  DarkAngel [ 16.05.2008, 04:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: My animated characters do not animate in Horde

If it works with software skinning, then the problem must be a limitation with the hardware skinning...

Do you use an excessive amount of bones (e.g. upwards of 60)?

Author:  roarflolo [ 16.05.2008, 05:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: My animated characters do not animate in Horde

Just 26 bones... the dude from the Crowd sample works fine so I think it's a data problem... I'm just replacing the resources loaded in the crowd sample.

I just stepped through the code in ModelNode::onPostUpdate() and the bakedTransMat matrices are different from frame to frame so... then what? hehe...

// Fast animation path
for( size_t i = 0, s =_nodeList.size(); i < s; ++i )
AnimResEntity *ae = _nodeList[i].animEntities[firstStage];
if( ae != 0x0 && !ae->frames.empty() )
uint32 frame = (uint32)_animStages[firstStage]->animTime % ae->frames.size();
_nodeList[i].node->getRelTrans() = ae->frames[frame].bakedTransMat;

Author:  roarflolo [ 16.05.2008, 08:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: My animated characters do not animate in Horde

I created a simple 4-bone link and skinned a cylinder. In ModelNode::onPostUpdate() I print out the matrix for the bones and they are animating. The cylinder/skin is not moving though :(

I must be missing something when

a. creating the data in 3dsMax
b. exporting using FCollada
c. converting using the Collada converter

Does anyone have an animation bone structure for 3dsMax that I can test? I've attached my fantastic tube so if someone could try on their end I'd appreciate it.

tube.rar [23.94 KiB]
Downloaded 554 times

Author:  roarflolo [ 16.05.2008, 08:18 ]
Post subject:  Fixed: My animated characters do not animate in Horde

Never mind! I was using the wrong shader of course :oops:

I need to automate all the data conversion before I go crazy :)

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