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Author:  PuG [ 23.03.2009, 11:05 ]
Post subject:  _F02_NormalMapping

Firstly excellent work in Beta3!

Just looking through the shaders and noticed theirs now "_F02_NormalMapping". I assume this will only render a normal map as oppose to a normal and height as used for Parallax?

If I use the following for my material definition my model appears very dark on screen when saving the DDS using 3dc Normal Map export.

   <Shader source="shaders/model.shader" />
   <ShaderFlag name="_F02_NormalMapping" />

   <Sampler name="albedoMap" map="textures/texture_d.dds" />
   <Sampler name="normalMap" map="textures/texture_n.dds" />

Just tried Parallax mapping, using DDS, DXT1 1bit Alpha (with mipmap), and their seems to be a slight bizarre error. Though its being rendered, the texture is offset by about 10 pixels (diffuse, normal & height) - appears fine on F01, F02.

Any suggestions?

Best Regards,

Author:  PuG [ 23.03.2009, 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: _F02_NormalMapping

Best disregard this post, DXT5 seems to be the best compromise atleast for normal & parallax mapping.

Author:  marciano [ 30.03.2009, 00:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: _F02_NormalMapping

Normal map compression is a topic of its own. Here is some good info:

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