
Create Sprite/Billboard ?
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Author:  seyhajin [ 25.03.2009, 17:38 ]
Post subject:  Create Sprite/Billboard ?

Hi all,

i started programming with Horde3d, it's good and very easy to setup engine, but i don't find any functions to create sprite or billboard :(, have you any ideas to do that ? It's possible to draw customs polygon dynamically ?

i worked with my horde3d wrapper for BlitzMax, you can find it here.


Author:  phoenix64 [ 25.03.2009, 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

Well, an (ugly) solution would be to create a quad externally and then transform it according to the camera position in the vertex shader. For everything else you have to write an extension.

Author:  DarkAngel [ 26.03.2009, 11:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

Custom geometry is only supported for 2d shapes. All 3d shapes must either use a geometry resource or a particle system.

Author:  seyhajin [ 26.03.2009, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

hi all, thanks for your answers !
unfortunately, your techniques are not easy to implement, maybe horde3d planned to add this features next :)

Author:  swiftcoder [ 26.03.2009, 23:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

I have been meaning to add a BillboardNode for a while now, but haven't had the time to hack it in.

Author:  marciano [ 30.03.2009, 00:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

As DarkAngel indicates, you could try to use a particle system with a single particle and zero velocity.

Author:  SpOOky [ 03.04.2009, 10:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

in the end a sprite node that combines attributes from both overlays(to be able to modify its uvs - for animated sprites, where there are several instances of the sprite in one image) and 3d objects(give it a world position, but also give it the possibility to be constricted by one ore more axes. ex: a grass sprite would only rotate y to face the camera) would be welcomed.

further more it would also be nice, in the case of multiple sprites in one image, to be able to specify how many of them there are (ex 5x1, 4x4) either on creation or in the overlay material, so that horde3d would solve the uvs by itself.

Author:  marciano [ 05.04.2009, 12:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Create Sprite/Billboard ?

SpOOky wrote:
further more it would also be nice, in the case of multiple sprites in one image, to be able to specify how many of them there are (ex 5x1, 4x4) either on creation or in the overlay material, so that horde3d would solve the uvs by itself.

This is often called flipbook textures. They make especially sense for some advanced particle systems (fire, explosions, etc.).

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