
Terrain Extension using .NET?
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Author:  Steps [ 27.09.2009, 15:58 ]
Post subject:  Terrain Extension using .NET?

Hello everyone!

I'm currently trying to use Horde3d for a project. I want to use it with C#/.NET/Visual Studio under Windows Vista. I managed to compile the CS-Wrapper, but I still encounter the following problem:

As my project will mainly be about terrains and environmental changes (like day and night, rain and shine, ...), I want to use the Terrain Extension. The problem is: I can't use it - or just don't know how. I am able to compile the Horde3D_Ext.sln project file, but - as the Terrain Extension itself is compiled into a .lib-file - I am unable to add it to my project. I tried to make VS compile it into a .dll-file, but that got me lots of errors I am unable to resolve...

So my question is: Is there any possibility of using the Terrain Extension with .NET/C#? Is there any wrapper? Or am I simply missing something?

Thanks in advance for any answers!

Greets - Steps

P.S: If there are any stupid mistakes in my post - I'm from Germany, blame my teachers ;)

Author:  Volker [ 27.09.2009, 16:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Terrain Extension using .NET?

You can use the terrain in .Net if you are writing bindings for it. Currently only the functions in Horde3d.h and Horde3DUtils.h are wrapped to C#. The terrain extension normally is linked statically into the Horde3D.dll and the functions in Horde3DTerrain.h will be exported from the DLL. So you have to write a wrapper for those terrain functions if you want to call them from C#.

Author:  Steps [ 27.09.2009, 16:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Terrain Extension using .NET?

Thank you!

I have not idea how to do that - yet. But I guess I'll figure out some way! Thanks alot!

Greets - Steps

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