Just some small things that could be better:
1) All functions in the API which takes const char* crash when called with the null pointer, this is a problem for me because i expose Horde functions to lua scripts and I don't want it to be possible to crash the program no matter what you type in the script files. So for example setNodeName(myModel, 0) should check for null and return false instead of assigning the pointer to a std::string (which crashes in strlen in msvc8).
2) (not in the actual engine) Shadows should not have any components of specularity in them, that looks weird. Fix to lightingUtils_frag.txt:
vec3 doLighting( const vec3 pos, const vec3 normal, const vec3 albedo, const float specMask, const float viewDist)
vec3 light = lightPos.xyz - pos;
// Distance attenuation
float lightDist = length( light ) / lightPos.w;
float att = 1.0 - lightDist * lightDist;
light = normalize( light );
// Spotlight falloff
float angle = dot( lightDir, -light );
if( angle > lightCosCutoff )
att *= (angle - lightCosCutoff) / 0.2;
att = 0.0;
// Half lambert lighting
float NdotL = dot( normal, light );
float diffuse = NdotL * 0.5 + 0.5;
diffuse = diffuse * diffuse;
// Final color
vec3 col = albedo * lightColor * (diffuse + 0.3)*att; // (Diffuse & ambient) color
// Shadow
if( NdotL > 0.0 && att > 0.0 )
mat4 lightMat;
if( viewDist < shadowSplitDists.x ) lightMat = shadowMats[0];
else if( viewDist < shadowSplitDists.y ) lightMat = shadowMats[1];
else if( viewDist < shadowSplitDists.z ) lightMat = shadowMats[2];
else lightMat = shadowMats[3];
vec4 projShadow = lightMat * vec4( pos, 1.0 );
projShadow.z = lightDist;
projShadow.xy /= projShadow.w;
float shade = PCF( projShadow );
// Specular
vec3 eye = normalize( viewer - pos );
vec3 refl = reflect( -light, normal );
float spec = pow( clamp( dot( refl, eye ), 0.0, 1.0 ), 8.0 ) * specMask;
col += vec3( 0.3, 0.3, 0.4 ) * spec * att * shade;
col *= max( 0.5, shade );
return col;