
Offroad Legends
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Author:  attila [ 02.05.2012, 10:47 ]
Post subject:  Offroad Legends

Offroad Legends (target platorms: iOS and Android)

A slighlty modified Horde3D engine (ported to OpenGL ES 2.0) is used for 3d rendering.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 4uI963UFPg
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/OffRoad-Legends/347122765336294

Thanks for this great engine. Comments are welcome.


Author:  Roland [ 02.05.2012, 15:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Wow, impressive.
Can you share details regarding hardware requirements and used libraries (physics, ui, etc.)?

Best of luck with the game!

Author:  attila [ 02.05.2012, 18:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Roland wrote:
Wow, impressive.
Can you share details regarding hardware requirements and used libraries (physics, ui, etc.)?

Best of luck with the game!


Horde3D port requires OpenGL ES2.0 capable graphics chip. (on iOS: iphone 3gs+, ipod3+, ipad)
Libraries: BulletPhysics, OpenAL, Cocos2DX(base framwork,Event handling, Gui/2D rendering)

Author:  MistaED [ 04.05.2012, 07:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Very nice attila! Are you using any of my code changes or is it entirely independent?

Are they the same shadowmaps generated in Horde3D mainline or are they modified to work fast on iOS? It also looks like you're using something similar to the HDRI pipeline too, impressive!

Author:  attila [ 05.05.2012, 11:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

MistaED wrote:
Very nice attila! Are you using any of my code changes or is it entirely independent?

Thanks! :)
It is independent but I used your ES_Test branch as a reference(PVR texture loading/uploading,...).
I used a slightly different approach : I'm using macros to handle the differences between the OpenGL and OpenGL ES. It is a bit ugly, but I hope it will be easy to synchronize with the main branch.

I just now see that you have a new version at https://bitbucket.org/boberfly/horde3d-es2. Great work!
So you have to make different versions for 4 cpp/h. It's great much of the GLish code is in egRendererBase and utOpenGL now, but egRenderer still has some gl code mainly for setting rasterizer and blend states. We should move it somehow into egRendererBase. It would make a D3D11(or any other nonGL) port much more easier.

MistaED wrote:
Are they the same shadowmaps generated in Horde3D mainline or are they modified to work fast on iOS? It also looks like you're using something similar to the HDRI pipeline too, impressive!

I'm using horde3d's shadowmap, but modified the generation to support directional light. It is not optimized except that it is not pcf, only one sample per pixel.
The pipeline is not really HDR. The rendertarget is rgba8, only the envmaps are hdr (encoded into a rgba8 texture) and there is a simplified version of the bloom posteffect in the pipeline.

Author:  worstplayer [ 05.05.2012, 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

This is one great looking game. This and Sword of Justice are perfect examples how powerful H3D can be.

BTW, will it eventually also appear on PC?

Author:  MistaED [ 05.05.2012, 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

attila wrote:
MistaED wrote:
Very nice attila! Are you using any of my code changes or is it entirely independent?

Thanks! :)
It is independent but I used your ES_Test branch as a reference(PVR texture loading/uploading,...).
I used a slightly different approach : I'm using macros to handle the differences between the OpenGL and OpenGL ES. It is a bit ugly, but I hope it will be easy to synchronize with the main branch.

I just now see that you have a new version at https://bitbucket.org/boberfly/horde3d-es2. Great work!
So you have to make different versions for 4 cpp/h. It's great much of the GLish code is in egRendererBase and utOpenGL now, but egRenderer still has some gl code mainly for setting rasterizer and blend states. We should move it somehow into egRendererBase. It would make a D3D11(or any other nonGL) port much more easier.

MistaED wrote:
Are they the same shadowmaps generated in Horde3D mainline or are they modified to work fast on iOS? It also looks like you're using something similar to the HDRI pipeline too, impressive!

I'm using horde3d's shadowmap, but modified the generation to support directional light. It is not optimized except that it is not pcf, only one sample per pixel.
The pipeline is not really HDR. The rendertarget is rgba8, only the envmaps are hdr (encoded into a rgba8 texture) and there is a simplified version of the bloom posteffect in the pipeline.

Nice to see it being used, hehe. I took your macro approach somewhat now and stuffed it into utOpenGL.h as well as a recent gl2ext.h (one example the blitting is interesting, the EXT version of it takes a bazillion function attributes while the APPLE one doesn't take any, so that is macro'd away). I've got KTX and preliminary CRN support on there, they might help if you want to support DXTC/ETC1 on android but I haven't tested the CRN code fully yet with mipmaps, and PowerVR's SDK doesn't output 100% compliant KTX files so I needed to comment out a few things to make them work but it seems to be the best container for everything, it uses the enums from GL headers to tell what format it is as opposed to storing what the format is in the FOURCC like dds or has it's own enum list like pvr (it already supports PVRTCv2, now it just needs a driver and hardware to support it!). I've been playing with google's ANGLE lib recently and that seems to work from some tests I've made in preparation for an eventual NaCl port.

I do agree that egRenderer needs all ties with GL to be removed, I think there's only one or two lines changed between desktop GL2 and GLESv2 at the moment. DX11 or even moving to OpenGL 3.x+GL4 extensions is exciting, and perhaps a utOpenCL.cpp/h and an egCompute.cpp/h would be really cool, perhaps for accelerating deferred lighting/shading and skinning/morphs for starters, and GLESv3 will most likely support this sort of stuff as well. Need to talk to Marciano/Volker on what they've got planned. :)

Author:  attila [ 06.05.2012, 11:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

worstplayer wrote:
This is one great looking game. This and Sword of Justice are perfect examples how powerful H3D can be.

Thanks! Yes, Sword of Justice looks great.
I think we have everything in horde3d to create good looking games.

worstplayer wrote:
BTW, will it eventually also appear on PC?

We are still considering more platforms, but currently working hard to finish it on iOS and Android.
It might be in Windows 8 App Store one day (but we should port horde3d to d3d11 to convert it to a metro style app)

Author:  attila [ 06.05.2012, 11:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

MistaED wrote:
I've been playing with google's ANGLE lib recently and that seems to work from some tests I've made in preparation for an eventual NaCl port.

We have also ported our engine to NaCl it went pretty smooth. Horde3D works perfectly in a (chrome) browser. :)

MistaED wrote:
I do agree that egRenderer needs all ties with GL to be removed, I think there's only one or two lines changed between desktop GL2 and GLESv2 at the moment. DX11 or even moving to OpenGL 3.x+GL4 extensions is exciting, and perhaps a utOpenCL.cpp/h and an egCompute.cpp/h would be really cool, perhaps for accelerating deferred lighting/shading and skinning/morphs for starters, and GLESv3 will most likely support this sort of stuff as well. Need to talk to Marciano/Volker on what they've got planned. :)

Yes it would be great to hear from Marciano/Volker what they are planning.

Author:  Wizard [ 17.05.2012, 23:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

wow cool. I love it. :)
Best of luck with the game!

Author:  mikel [ 19.05.2012, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Looks great and fun.

Author:  attila [ 29.06.2012, 08:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Offroad Legends is available on the App Store and Google play.
It is featured as New&NoteWorthy on the AppStore by Apple.

Android Link: http://bit.ly/OffRoadLegends_Android
iPhone Link: http://bit.ly/OffRoadLegends_iPhone

I've attached our modified version of Horde3D. I'm trying to keep it up-to-data with the main svn trunk.
The implementation is a bit hacky. I'm planning to merge it with the official ES2 port.

notable differences:
- OpenGL ES2 support
- directional shadow with no jitter support (no cascaded shadow map supported)
- resources can be reloaded when context is lost (needed on android)
- line rendering support
- unsigned byte vertex format support

horde3d.ZIP [191.84 KiB]
Downloaded 2082 times

Author:  tshannon [ 29.06.2012, 18:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Congrats man. Looks great.

Author:  eiguckamalda [ 01.07.2012, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

Very cool game! I was always a fan of this kind of games... thanks a lot :)

Author:  attila [ 01.07.2012, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Offroad Legends

eiguckamalda wrote:
Very cool game! I was always a fan of this kind of games... thanks a lot :)

tshannon wrote:
Congrats man. Looks great.

Thanks guys

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