I've whipped up a demo of AntTweakBar working with Horde. Of course, a picture is worth a thousand words:
KnightTweak.jpg [ 88.68 KiB | Viewed 8888 times ]
KnightTweakBar.zip [177.21 KiB]
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The demo, obviously enough, let's you adjust the color of the light. TAB and SHIFT alternate between free and enslaved mouse cursors (also enabling or disabling camera movement). Only standing issue is that AntTweakBar is refusing to accept numerical keyboard input, but will accept all other keys fine.
I'm going to cut a road through the major GUI libs one by one, so there will always be a definitive answer on the reoccuring GUI questions.
And binaries for those that just want to check it out and not fuss with compiling:
KnightBinaries.zip [244.66 KiB]
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