Volker wrote:
Maybe you should try to understand first, why it won't make much sense to rename the sampler in the shader and not in the material.
Then you might have a deep look at the changes I provided with the patch. And then you might realize that renaming some variables is NOT the solution for your material color problem, but using a uniform for the gl_FragColor.rgb instead of a texture lookup.
Don't get me wrong, but if you don't understand what I'm talking about, it might be better you're changing the topic of your master thesis.
There is a difference between your way of answering a question and Irdis way of answering a question, If you are a professor then don't think that your student should have
the same mind as you , you have spend years to reach to this level and i need to spend years to reach to the mind that you have , I think its always good to teach or answer
a question considering in mind the level of student one has, Í told you i am not a PHD doctorate student , i have not developed your game engine ,
Tell me 1 thing why did i understand IRdis and i didnt the same thing said by you ? the answer is only 1 and it is that Irdis answered me considering as i don't know anything
but you answered me considering as I am developer of this game . things you explain are not complex , but the way you explain these are made complex , i can't see what is inside your mind
where you are refering what
i just have a simple question and I have been reffered to modify things that are done by you now how can i know that what you developed is working which way ?
Don't get me wrong but kindly reply in a better and simpler way , "you said using gl_FragColor.rgb instead of texture lookup, I change it
<Sampler name="albedoMap" map="texturemap3.jpg" />
<Sampler name="albedoMap" map="gl_FragColor.rgb " />
but are you sure that get the model.shader and copy it in .xml and rename it to materialCol.shader.xml was not the solution given by you .?
You have mixed evrything now , so kindly explain from begining in a simpler way as you should explain a student , what file to use how, else
Leave if you can't , Irdis will answer my post .
Thank You So much
Regards Imran Habib