I've finally got a plugin working for my purposes, and I found that as I was trying to grep the whole interface I struggled a bit with figuring out what was actually required for the plugin interface, and what wasn't.
The only examples I could find were of the game engine widgets which have a whole hierarchy of inheritance and complexity in and of themselves, which only added to my confusion.
If anyone else has felt this way, and is looking for a very (very) basic example of a Horde3D Editor plugin, you can feel free to take a look at mine here:
http://code.google.com/p/excavation/source/browse/#hg%2FexPluginsI will preface this with the fact that I do very little C++ programming, so I wouldn't look at this code as "good" by any means, but it could be a simpler starting point for a more complex plugin.
All the plugin does is read a file called exEntities.def that is a list of types and properties separated by a new line:
Creates a dropdown list of those types, and fields to populate the properties, then writes those properties out as the attributes of the attachment xml node in the scene file.
As I said, pretty straightforward, but maybe it'll help someone get started on something bigger.
Critique is always welcome.