
Scene Editor Troubles *linux*
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Author:  wild13 [ 04.08.2008, 02:44 ]
Post subject:  Scene Editor Troubles *linux*

I just compiled the scene editor and ran it. When it opened it was blank so i decided to just try and make a new scene and see whats happens. So i went threw all the dialogs and the scene editor wouldnt show. I just see a complete blank window with only the menubar at the top showing. I ran it from a console and when i try to open a scene i get.

QGLaContext::makeCurrent(): Cannont make invalid context current.
QFileSystemWatcher::removePaths:: list is empty

Any ideas? Im still tryin as well.

os: ubuntu
drivers: Nvidia drivers from nvidia site.
card:nvidia 8700 gts 512
cpu: intel duo core 1.6ghz
ram: 2gb gddr3

Author:  Volker [ 04.08.2008, 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Scene Editor Troubles *linux*

I currently don't have a linux system available,... but you can check the Log Window after the creation failed. Maybe there are some more informations.

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