
Next-Generation Graphics Engine
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PostPosted: 07.06.2012, 20:28 

Joined: 09.02.2012, 22:38
Posts: 26

I've been using Horde3D for about half a year now and I love it, but I hate its webpage and wiki:
Main Page: News, Features, Screenshots, Wiki and Forum links are fine. The rest is competing with information on the Wiki (especially Tutorial, FAQ and Download) or Forum.
Wiki: Seems fine for most basic things, but it could be better. Especially outdated Information, old or missing links are very annoying.

I suggest and offer help with the following tasks:
  • Main Page: Tutorial move to Wiki (keeping a link)
  • Main Page: FAQ move to Wiki (keeping a link)
  • Main Page: Download move to Wiki (keeping a link)
  • Wiki (start page): rework "sections" into "activities" with less clutter (Getting Horde3D, Developing Horde3D, Using Horde3D, Related Projects - hard to explain... think of "how to do things" vs. "list of things, where you usually need a glossary to work with them")
  • Wiki (related projects): locate current version, repository etc and update each page or at least tag content as outdated (might be a good idea for future versions).
  • Wiki (related projects): create a table for all related projects containing the project's name, scope (extension, tool, demo, game, science) and a link. Creating a "visible link" in one place will encourage people to use Horde3D and add their's there too (see: Projects built with LLVM).
  • Wiki (using): Update pages, test and fix content
  • Wiki (develop): Update pages, test and fix content

Does anyone - with access to the web page and wiki's start page - share my opinion? I'm also open to work on further/other suggestions. Since I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings I'll be waiting for some feedback first :)


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PostPosted: 07.06.2012, 22:24 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
Posts: 1150
Location: Germany
I agree that wiki and documentation could be a bit more readable by reorganizing some pages.
I already talked about moving the documentation completly to the wiki with marciano some time ago, so that everyone can help improving it.
Some drawback would be that the documentation couldn't be added to the source code packages anymore. Only a link to the wiki could be added.
But maybe we can only move the general documentation to the wiki and should keep the autogenerated API documentation within the packages and on the main page. Something I tried with the documentation of the editor, but until now I'm still the only author :-)

Regarding the main page's download links I don't think that it is a must have to move them to the wiki, but FAQ and tutorial are some candidates for the wiki for sure.
Adding a separate related projects page that lists sample projects would be a good idea. We could link the gallery on the main wiki page to that page that would be editable by all forum users.

The biggest problem is that keeping the wiki up to date is something that needs time, and that's something we all have much too less.

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PostPosted: 08.06.2012, 15:49 

Joined: 09.02.2012, 22:38
Posts: 26
I started a playing around: Main Page (playground) (Note: The two column layout seems a bit broken. I'll fix it later).

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PostPosted: 22.09.2013, 13:48 

Joined: 09.02.2012, 22:38
Posts: 26
I finally found some time to update the Main Page (playground). Hope you like it. The structure was re-done and the layout does scale now. As I don't want to update the whole wiki in one step, some links seem silly, but I think that's ok.

Can someone move it to the real main page (I don't have the rights to do this)?

Edit: is there a repository for the web page? It would be logical to move the FAQ and Tutorial to the Wik and add a GitHub ribbon.

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PostPosted: 24.09.2013, 20:09 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
Posts: 1150
Location: Germany
Thanks a lot christoph. I merged it to the mainpage. I adjustd the stylesheet for the gallery at the top. Unfortunately it does not consider direkt resizing of the browser window, but at least on a reload it fits the window size. So I guess until someone has a better solution (I'm not an expert on HTML) it's ok for now.

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