
Next-Generation Graphics Engine
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PostPosted: 04.09.2008, 21:19 

Joined: 22.11.2007, 17:05
Posts: 707
Location: Boston, MA
I just had to replace my laptop, and I decided to move to a MacBook (white), which contains the much-maligned Intel GMA X3100. For some reason, despite being DX10-capable, the card doesn't fully export OpenGL 2.0, so a few workarounds are necessary to get Horde running.

First off, Horde checks for OpenGL 2.0, so we have to disable that check, or in this case downgrade it to a warning:
--- Horde3D/Source/Horde3DEngine/egRenderer.cpp   (revision 52)
+++ Horde3D/Source/Horde3DEngine/egRenderer.cpp   (working copy)
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
    // Check that OpenGL 2.0 is available
    if( glExt::majorVersion < 2 || glExt::minorVersion < 0 )
-      Modules::log().writeError( "OpenGL 2.0 not supported" );
-      failed = true;
+      Modules::log().writeWarning( "OpenGL 2.0 not supported" );
+      //failed = true;
    // Check extensions

That simple change is enough to get the terrain sample running, and the chicago sample mostly running. Unfortunately, it isn't a change I can put in SVN, because this may let other cards/platforms through which shouldn't.

As I said, the terrain sample runs fine with that change (at 130+ fps), and the Chicago sample renders (at a measly 2 fps) all except the ground plane (comes out as blue).

The Knight sample wont run at all, because the X3100 has no support for floating point render-buffers, and thus the HDR pipeline cannot be initialised.

I am going to be on this laptop for at least a year, and any games I build with Horde will be targeted at similar hardware (if Spore and StarCraft 2 can support it...), so I would like to get Horde to the point where it can fallback seamlessly from HDR and high-quality shaders to a base profile for generic cards (probably vertex shaders only, no HDR).

Tristam MacDonald - [swiftcoding]

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PostPosted: 05.09.2008, 01:29 

Joined: 08.11.2006, 03:10
Posts: 384
Location: Australia
Damn Intel! :(

If you're still interested in doing HDR, I think Valve published their technique which works on regular 8-bit channels, although, according to wikipedia the x3100 only supports GL1.5 (which is absurd seeing as it supports DX10 and Shader model 4.0!) so I don't know what that means for GLSL support at all...

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PostPosted: 05.09.2008, 02:28 

Joined: 22.11.2007, 17:05
Posts: 707
Location: Boston, MA
DarkAngel wrote:
according to wikipedia the x3100 only supports GL1.5 (which is absurd seeing as it supports DX10 and Shader model 4.0!) so I don't know what that means for GLSL support at all...
I have GLSL 1.2, and every extension required for Horde except for framebuffer_multisample and texture_float.

Tristam MacDonald - [swiftcoding]

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 17:04 
Engine Developer

Joined: 10.09.2006, 15:52
Posts: 1217
Getting an Intel GPU as a graphics programmer (esp. GL) is an adventurous step ;)

The good thing is that we have a fair chance now to make Horde run on a broader range of hardware. Concerning the low FPS, I think that's nothing too special for an integrated graphics card. In my notebook I have a NVidia 8400G and I'm also not too happy with the framerate (although it's much higher than yours). On a 8800 GTX I get great performance running the samples. At some point there is no way to further optimize stuff since you are just limited by the physical power of the hardware.

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PostPosted: 06.09.2008, 19:38 

Joined: 22.11.2007, 17:05
Posts: 707
Location: Boston, MA
marciano wrote:
Getting an Intel GPU as a graphics programmer (esp. GL) is an adventurous step ;)
Don't I know it! However, one of my goals in this switch is to start focusing on developing game play rather than graphics.

Concerning the low FPS, I think that's nothing too special for an integrated graphics card. In my notebook I have a NVidia 8400G and I'm also not too happy with the framerate (although it's much higher than yours). On a 8800 GTX I get great performance running the samples. At some point there is no way to further optimize stuff since you are just limited by the physical power of the hardware.
Ja, I wouldn't expect anyone to use parallax shaders with an integrated GPU. This is going to require some thought - perhaps a way to detect integrated GPUs, so one can choose a simpler pipeline and shaders.

Tristam MacDonald - [swiftcoding]

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PostPosted: 24.08.2010, 21:25 

Joined: 08.12.2009, 21:13
Posts: 17
I'm having some similar x3100 problems, but with the current version of Horde the above workaround no longer works in egRendererBase.cpp (line 60)

   // Check that OpenGL 2.0 is available
   if( glExt::majorVersion < 2 || glExt::minorVersion < 0 )
      Modules::log().writeError( "OpenGL 2.0 not available" );
      failed = true;

Shows that 2.0 is available, but in egRenderer.cpp (line 104)

   // Check capabilities
   if( !_caps[RenderCaps::Tex_Float] )
      Modules::log().writeWarning( "Renderer: No floating point texture support available" );
   if( !_caps[RenderCaps::Tex_NPOT] )
      Modules::log().writeWarning( "Renderer: No non-Power-of-two texture support available" );
   if( !_caps[RenderCaps::RT_Multisampling] )
      Modules::log().writeWarning( "Renderer: No multisampling for render targets available" );

Shows that
No floating point texture support available
No multisampling for render targets available

Running Chicago.exe, the following works in egRendererBase.h (line 65) for a few calls

T &getRef( uint32 handle )
      ASSERT( handle > 0 && handle <= _objects.size() );
      return _objects[handle - 1];

but then the assert fails b/c the handle is 0

    Horde3D.dll!RBObjects<RBVertexLayout>::getRef(unsigned int handle=1) Line 67 C++
    Horde3D.dll!RendererBase::createVertexLayout(unsigned int elemCount=8) Line 941 + 0x16 bytes C++
    Horde3D.dll!Renderer::init() Line 112 + 0xa bytes C++
    Horde3D.dll!h3dInit() Line 88 + 0x20 bytes C++
    Sample_Chicago.exe!Application::init() Line 50 + 0x8 bytes C++
    Sample_Chicago.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x00e520a8) Line 185 + 0xb bytes C++
    Sample_Chicago.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 266 + 0x19 bytes C
    Sample_Chicago.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 182 C
    [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]
    Horde3DUtils.dll!_isindst_nolock(tm * tb=0x00000000) Line 596 + 0x44 bytes C

Is there a new workaround for this, or has Horde3d grown to the point where this graphics card is no longer viable?

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PostPosted: 26.08.2010, 19:53 
Engine Developer

Joined: 10.09.2006, 15:52
Posts: 1217
aolney wrote:
but then the assert fails b/c the handle is 0

Are you sure that the handle is 0? The callstack indicates that it is 1 and I don't see a reason why adding the layout object should fail...

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