attila wrote:
It's great to see the roadmap.
I have some experience with d3d9 so maybe I can help with this, but I haven't used OpenGL for a while.
Is anybody working on this?
I saw that pablito3dartist has made a d3d10 port but i don't know anything about its current state.
Development cycle: I like how Ogre handles this, with a stable and an experimental trunk so the members can check the progress of the new features and comment on it (help with the development).
There was interest from a forum member Bob to do a D3D10 backend, and others have also expressed interest, but as long as that Assigned to filed is left unchecked it is pretty much an interest and not a commitment.
Afaik there is no D3D10 backend, can you point me to a repository or binary download?
Submission of patches should be enough. I think this is how it is done in Ogre also. There are 4 devs on that can merge the changes into the proper branches.