
Engine Overview in UML
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Author:  jazza [ 12.08.2008, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Engine Overview in UML

Hey all,

Just wondering if there's any documentation for Horde3D that includes an overview of the engine in UML (i.e: a brief diagram with some of the main classes and how they relate to each other). Part of the reason I need such documentation is because I am using Horde3D for an assignment in a games related unit for my degree. One of the first tasks is to decompose (or reverse engineer) the engine into UML and identify any design patterns used in order to better understand the engine's architecture.

I've looked through all the available documentation and haven't found anything suitable. For now, I've resorted to Doxygen and a free UML modelling package called "StarUML". StarUML reverse engineers the source code into a very messy, cluttered diagram that's proving hard for me to decipher. While Doxygen does a great job of documenting each class, I'm not sure that it's capable of generating the kind of overview I'm looking for.

If anyone has any information or advice, please do let me know. Although I'm not new to graphics programming (have worked with OpenGL for some time now), I haven't worked with a full fledged 3d engine before, so please bear with me if my questions sound a bit naive! :S



Author:  Volker [ 12.08.2008, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Overview in UML

I don't know if this functionality is also in the Express Edition of Visual C++ but in the Profession Edition of Visual Studio 2008, there is a Class Diagramm Generator. If that fits your needs is another question. Using Doxygen with GraphViz may result in a better overview, while Visual Studio's diagram is interactive.

Author:  jazza [ 13.08.2008, 01:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Overview in UML

Hi Volker,

Thanks for the reply. I'm using GraphViz with Doxygen atm and the individual class diagrams are great. What I was hoping for was a diagram that gives me an overview of the entire engine. I've read that the professional edition of Visual Studio 2008 features a class diagram generator, but I don't have access to that atm.

I'm trying to build the overview myself using Doxygen and what I could gather from the documentation. I'll post the diagram here in a day or so, just to see how right (or wrong...:S) it is.

Author:  DDd [ 13.08.2008, 23:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Overview in UML

Cool i could use a new poster ;)

Author:  jazza [ 14.08.2008, 12:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Overview in UML

Hey guys,

Here's the UML diagram I created for a presentation on Horde 3D. The aim was to provide a brief overview of some of the core classes that compose the engine. I'm not sure that it's entirely correct though, so I've posted it here for some feedback.




Author:  swiftcoder [ 14.08.2008, 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Overview in UML

That looks about right for the inheritance graph, but I am only working from memory ;)

Author:  marciano [ 16.08.2008, 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Engine Overview in UML

This looks good but it does not include all relations.

Scene nodes for example usually reference resources. And resources are essential for the renderer.

There are many more interesting relations considering the animation system or material system but I think these cannot be shown with a UML class diagram in a clean way.

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