I've been adding view-port support to my engine, but I've noticed that Horde isn't really designed to support view-ports. Specifically, whenever I set the view-port, Horde ends up calling PipelineResource::createRenderTargets, because it assumes that the back-buffer has been resized.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of how to better support view-ports?
I'll probably add a new function Horde3D::viewport (to supplement Horde3D::resize), but I thought I'd see what other ideas you guys have.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's the code from my engine (if anyone's interested) for rendering a hierarchy of viewports:
Code: void CRenderer::Render( const CView& view ) { Render( view, CRectf(0,1) ); } void CRenderer::Render( const CView& view, const CRect& parentPort ) { const CRect newView = view.Viewport() >> parentPort; SetViewport( newView );
const PCameraNode& pCam = view.Camera(); NodeHandle cam = pCam ? pCam->GetID() : 0; if( cam ) { for( CView::node_iterator itScene = view.FirstScene(); itScene != view.EndScene(); ++itScene ) { ActivateRoot( *itScene ); Horde3D::render( cam ); Horde3D::clearOverlays(); } } for( CView::view_iterator itChild = view.FirstChild(); itChild != view.EndChild(); ++itChild ) { ASSERT( *itChild ) Render( **itChild, newView ); } } Supporting code:
Code: void CRenderer::ActivateRoot( const CRootNode* pNewRoot ) { for( SceneList::iterator i = m_Scenes.begin(); i != m_Scenes.end(); ++i ) { CRootNode* p = *i; p->Visible( p == pNewRoot ); } } void CRenderer::SetSize( uint width, uint height ) { m_Width = width; m_Height = height; Resize(); } void CRenderer::Resize() { int l = int(m_Viewport.Left () * m_Width ); int b = int(m_Viewport.Bottom() * m_Height); int w = int(m_Viewport.Width () * m_Width ); int h = int(m_Viewport.Height() * m_Height); Horde3D::resize( l, b, w, h ); } void CRenderer::SetViewport( const CRect& view ) { if( view != m_Viewport ) { m_Viewport = view; Resize(); } }
template< class T > TRect<T> TRect::operator>>( const TRect<T>& rhs ) const { T w = rhs.Width (); T h = rhs.Height(); T x = w * LowerLeft().X()+rhs.LowerLeft().X(); T y = h * LowerLeft().Y()+rhs.LowerLeft().Y(); return TRect<T>( x, y, x + w * Width (), y + h * Height() ); }
![Image](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3021/3110410914_ffd39535fa_o.jpg) Code: root = new CRootNode( renderer, "root" ); camera = new CCameraNode( *root, "Cam1", *pipeDefault ); camera->View(45, (float)appWidth/appHeight, 0.1f, 1000.0f);
m_View = new CView( camera, root ); PView view = new CView( camera, root ); view->Viewport() = CRect( 0.05f, 0.4f ); m_View->Add( *view );
view = new CView( camera, root ); view2->Viewport() = CRect( 0.15f, 0.5f ); m_View->Add( *view2 );