Another small update... (I should start a devblog)
As I work on my engine and learn more about Horde3D in the process, I can see why some developers (*cough* gamedev *cough* Ogre forums *cough*) are turned off by it. It is relatively spartan in it's API, to the point where it doesn't define any complex types or classes for you. I found this out when I had to add my 'Math3D.h' file into the project to do my own matrix calculations and vector offsets. At first I was a bit annoyed, but then I realized the beauty of it. Unlike Ogre3D which has "kitchen sink" philosophy and a truly gigantic API with little internal consistency, Horde3D gives you the bare minimum of what you need to achieve the graphical effects you want. As a result, instead of having to learn hundreds of API calls spread out through various libraries, you only need to know about a dozen or so.
This reminds me of very nicely designed plain C libraries I find myself often using and wondering why people deride the old-skool designs of yor so much in favor of OOP spaghetti-code.
Couple this small API with the incredibly versatile pipeline mechanism, you really have an excellent engine. Kudos! I am really impressed working with this thing and I am upset with myself for not jumping aboard with this project ages ago
We got a long weekend coming up here in the USA, I plan to chill out and program in the fabulous world of Horde3D.