I tried to use nearest point texture sampling but I didn't find a way.
I am trying to apply it from the sampler shader declaration
// Samplers
sampler samples = sampler_state
Address = Clamp;
Filter = None;
But then I found that egShader.cpp only supports Trilinear or Bilinear.
else if( tok.checkToken( "Filter" ) )
if( !tok.checkToken( "=" ) ) return raiseError( "FX: expected '='", tok.getLine() );
if( tok.checkToken( "Trilinear" ) ) sampler.filterMode = TexFilterModes::Trilinear;
else if( tok.checkToken( "Bilinear" ) ) sampler.filterMode = TexFilterModes::Bilinear;
else return raiseError( "FX: invalid enum value", tok.getLine() );
TexFilterModes has None value and egRenderer.cpp seems to catch it
Best regards