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 Post subject: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 26.10.2009, 09:40 

Joined: 23.10.2009, 19:35
Posts: 23

I'm interested in making a game with Horde3D and possibly using the GameEngine part also.
But I'm unsure about the GPL license for the GameEngine.... if I use the GameEngine for my own game must I then release my own game with source code available also? .... would it have different effect if I would release my game commercially or as a free game?

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 26.10.2009, 10:04 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
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Location: Germany
Most of the components of the GameEngine are licensed under the LGPL, so if you want to link them statically you have to share your project's code, if you link dynamically you only have to provide your changes to those components. The parts not licensed under LGPL but GPL, are probably only not adjusted to the LGPL, but that's something I think I can't decide, since I'm not working at the university anymore. And concerning the FACS component I'm not sure, whether it will be adjusted or not, maybe you can ask korty about that.

If you develop a game and do not plan to release it, I don't think you have to care about all those license issues. If you plan to release it, you don't have to ship your game with the source code, you only have to mention that you are using LGPL components and which one and you have to provide a possibility to get the code for these. If you haven't changed anything at the LGPL components, it should be enough to mention a link to the GameEngine project website. In case you have changed something you may also need to provide a patch for the original LGPL components or the complete changed source code of this component.

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 27.10.2009, 08:44 

Joined: 23.10.2009, 19:35
Posts: 23
If I understand you correctly I can release my game without source code if:
- I mention I have used the GameEngine and give a link to it
- I don't make any changes to the GameEngine
- I link to the GameEngine dynamically

Have I understood it correctly?

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 27.10.2009, 09:12 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
Posts: 1150
Location: Germany
That's the way I understand the LGPL.

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 27.10.2009, 18:19 

Joined: 08.04.2008, 14:05
Posts: 14
Maybe we can discuss it here. Are there any concerns switching the GameEngine to EPL following the Horde3D license? From our side it would be no problem. Maybe Volker could comment on it?

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 27.10.2009, 19:03 
Tool Developer

Joined: 13.11.2007, 11:07
Posts: 1150
Location: Germany
Since I don't have much time developing it further, I won't have a problem with switching to EPL. I hope all other contributers (e.g. AcidFaucet) would agree with it too.

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 27.10.2009, 20:11 

Joined: 23.10.2009, 19:35
Posts: 23
That would be great :-)
I think it would boost the usage of the GameEngine.

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 28.10.2009, 01:38 

Joined: 19.11.2007, 19:35
Posts: 218
Cool here. There's nothing I've written into it that I take issue with sharing w/ others for w/e purpose. I'm just checking and debugging the serialization before pushing things out sometime around Friday-Sunday.

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 Post subject: Re: GameEngine and GPL
PostPosted: 28.10.2009, 19:26 

Joined: 23.10.2009, 19:35
Posts: 23
I saw that the license has been changed now.
That was fast :-)

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