Hey there,
i especially like Horde3D because of its simplicity (as compared to Ogre and Irrlicht, the engines i used before) and its .NET Wrapper (which is my main point for choosing Horde3d). I thought about using it for my future projects. The only thing i'm not yet so sure about is if it really fits.
As the topic of the thread allready suggests, my main concern is the scenemanagement. As main world geometry i wanted to use Q3 .BSP files, cause the friend i'm doin this project with is allready quite confident with the Radiant tools. But Horde hasn't got any BSP-tree-scenemangement implemented. I once wrote a small program just to render these BSP files based on OpenGL, but i never optimized it for performance cause that would take quite long especially if you also want to implement fast collision tests and scenemanagement.
So i thought about either converting the BSP to Horde's preferred format and load that single mesh or loading every single leaf into a Horde3D node and hope that Horde3D can cope with that.
What do you think is one of the two approaches realiseable without a huge performance hit (compared to the .Net <-> c++ perf. hit)? I personally don't know enough about the H3D interna (yet) to answer the question by myself so i'm asking you and hope that you don't mind
greetz and thx in advance r2