Hi all,
I make the following proposition: I would like to create a Horde Showcase. But before I submit myself to such a long term aim, I would like test the community's acceptance.
The reason for such a show case has several reasons:
- I took really long to understand some H3D features. Others may find this a useful ressource
- I create a Game with Horde3D for a University course so there is already a codebase
- Horde3D needs definitely some Public Relations
I had contact to a lot of previously unknown technology like Horde3D and Blender since I had to learn it in a very short time period. So I want to share my knowledge with other people, perhaps in the same situation. My visio for thiw tutorial is to start with a Chicago-like world and extend it in descrete steps until a full-featured game has been developed.
The game I create is a pretty straight forward ego shooter featuring in C++:
- GLFW windowing
- Bullet Physics for walking, collision, and shooting (but we may leave that part out for a while)
- Multiple Weapons
- Animation for enemies and weapons
- A meshed world with some particle emitters and lights
- (Hopefully water reflections if I manage that at time)
The codebase is capsuled in several classes and may be licensed under a free license for general usage.
Nevertheless there are some drawbacks, namely:
- I am by no means a good C++ programmer. There is still a lot of work like too much redundancy etc
- Most of the models must be re-created or replaced for copyright clearance
- Community support is needed to raise a Public Relation-worthy showcase
So, ladies and gentlemen. What do you think? I am eager to hear your constructive criticism.