
Next-Generation Graphics Engine
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PostPosted: 25.11.2010, 13:43 

Joined: 25.11.2010, 13:26
Posts: 1

this was my first try to create a model to use in Horde, so maybe I am missing something obvious, but a search of the forum and the Wiki didn't help me.

I started out by creating a cube in Google Sketchup 8. I textured it on all 6 faces (from the outside).


I exported it as 3D Model and got a .dae file.

I ran the .dae file though ColladaConv. Without any error message:

Enter arguments: "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\collada models

Starting Collada Converter...

Horde3D Collada Converter
Version 1.0.0 Beta4

Parsing collada file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\collada mod
Converting data for model metalbox...
Writing geometry...
Writing materials...
Writing animation...

Finished conversion.

But when I load the resulting metalbox.scene.xml into Horde, it doesn't show.

A look at the file reveals that it seems to have no mesh, this is the whole file:

<Model name="metalbox" geometry="models/metalbox/metalbox.geo">

My question is: what am I doing wrong? Is the Sketchup formal somehow incompatible? Is it not triangulated? Reading other posts on the forum it seems that other people have no problems converting complex Sketchup models this way.

Other things I tried with the same result:
- using Sketchup 7
- using an untextured cube

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PostPosted: 25.11.2010, 18:46 

Joined: 08.06.2010, 14:17
Posts: 63
Importing collada from Sketchup works OK for me. Maybe there's something wrong with your model. Can you upload the .skp?

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PostPosted: 26.11.2010, 12:39 

Joined: 17.11.2009, 17:00
Posts: 205
Location: Russia, Moscow
You should use ColladaConv from the SVN. Many bugs are fixed. I had the same problem with the v4 converter, but version from the svn works correctly.

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