Hello everyone,
Our team is working on an underwater simulation and today I tried adding new ground geometry but noticed that the colors of the ground were completely different then expected when being rendered using the shader.
When I debugged and tried setting the gl_FragColor to full red this was the result I got:
http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g41 ... ullred.pngThis was what I expected but now when I tried setting R to 0.5 I got this result:
http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/g41 ... alfred.pngI am pretty lost on this one what could possibly influence the colors to be different. I checked the materials and shader over and over.
Here is the scene and material files that are being used. The log file doesn't contain any errors. I expect I messed up the material but I don't see it.
Any help would be welcome!
<Model name="aquarium" geometry="models/aquarium.geo">
<Mesh name="aquarium_test" material="models/lambert_pool.material.xml" batchStart="0" batchCount="300" vertRStart="0" vertREnd="101" />
<Mesh name="polySurface1" material="models/ground.material.xml" tx="0" ty="0" tz="749.845" batchStart="300" batchCount="12288" vertRStart="102" vertREnd="8293" />
<Shader source="shaders/water.shader" />
<Sampler name="causticMap" map="/textures/caustics/001.png" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow0" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow1" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow2" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow3" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="fogColor" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Shader source="shaders/water.shader" />
<Sampler name="causticMap" map="/textures/caustics/001.png" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow0" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow1" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow2" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="textureMatrixRow3" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
<Uniform name="fogColor" a="0.0" b="0.0" c="0.0" d="0.0" />
And this is the shader that is used to render the geometry:
// Per pixel fog: http://www.ozone3d.net/tutorials/glsl_fog/index.php
// By Jerome 'JeGX' Guinot - jegx_AT_ozone3d(dot)net
// Supported Flags
/* ---------------
// Samplers
sampler2D albedoMap;
sampler2D causticMap = sampler_state
Address = Wrap;
Filter = Trilinear;
MaxAnisotropy = 1;
sampler2D normalMap = sampler_state
Texture = "textures/common/defnorm.tga";
samplerCube ambientMap = sampler_state
Address = Clamp;
Filter = Bilinear;
MaxAnisotropy = 1;
// Uniforms
float4 specParams <
string desc_a = "a: specular mask";
string desc_b = "b: specular exponent";
> = {0.1, 16.0, 0, 0};
float4 textureMatrixRow0;
float4 textureMatrixRow1;
float4 textureMatrixRow2;
float4 textureMatrixRow3;
float4 fogColor;
// Contexts
VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_GENERAL;
PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_ATTRIBPASS;
VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_SHADOWMAP;
PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_SHADOWMAP;
context LIGHTING
VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_GENERAL;
PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_LIGHTING;
ZWriteEnable = false;
BlendMode = Add;
context AMBIENT
VertexShader = compile GLSL VS_GENERAL;
PixelShader = compile GLSL FS_AMBIENT;
// =================================================================================================
#include "shaders/shaderSettings.shader"
#include "shaders/utilityLib/vertCommon.glsl"
#ifdef _F01_Skinning
#include "shaders/utilityLib/vertSkinning.glsl"
uniform mat4 viewProjMat;
uniform vec3 viewerPos;
attribute vec3 vertPos;
attribute vec2 texCoords0;
attribute vec3 normal;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
attribute vec4 tangent;
varying vec4 pos, vsPos;
varying vec2 texCoords;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
varying mat3 tsbMat;
varying vec3 tsbNormal;
varying vec4 projCoords;
// texture matrix
uniform vec4 textureMatrixRow0;
uniform vec4 textureMatrixRow1;
uniform vec4 textureMatrixRow2;
uniform vec4 textureMatrixRow3;
void main( void )
#ifdef _F01_Skinning
mat4 skinningMat = calcSkinningMat();
mat3 skinningMatVec = getSkinningMatVec( skinningMat );
// Calculate normal
#ifdef _F01_Skinning
vec3 _normal = normalize( calcWorldVec( skinVec( normal, skinningMatVec ) ) );
vec3 _normal = normalize( calcWorldVec( normal ) );
// Calculate tangent and bitangent
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
#ifdef _F01_Skinning
vec3 _tangent = normalize( calcWorldVec( skinVec( tangent.xyz, skinningMatVec ) ) );
vec3 _tangent = normalize( calcWorldVec( tangent.xyz ) );
vec3 _bitangent = cross( _normal, _tangent ) * tangent.w;
tsbMat = calcTanToWorldMat( _tangent, _bitangent, _normal );
tsbNormal = _normal;
// Calculate world space position
#ifdef _F01_Skinning
pos = calcWorldPos( skinPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ), skinningMat ) );
pos = calcWorldPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ) );
vsPos = calcViewPos( pos );
// setup lightview matrix
mat4 textureMatrix = mat4(0.0);
textureMatrix[0] = textureMatrixRow0;
textureMatrix[1] = textureMatrixRow1;
textureMatrix[2] = textureMatrixRow2;
textureMatrix[3] = textureMatrixRow3;
// get projected texture coordinates
projCoords = textureMatrix * pos;
// Calculate texture coordinates and clip space position
texCoords = texCoords0;
gl_Position = viewProjMat * pos;
// =================================================================================================
#include "shaders/utilityLib/fragDeferredWrite.glsl"
uniform vec3 viewerPos;
uniform vec4 specParams;
uniform sampler2D albedoMap;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
varying vec4 pos;
varying vec2 texCoords;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
varying mat3 tsbMat;
varying vec3 tsbNormal;
void main( void )
vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 );
// Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system
newCoords.t *= -1.0;
vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, newCoords.st );
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
vec3 normalMap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st ).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 normal = tsbMat * normalMap;
vec3 normal = tsbNormal;
vec3 newPos = pos.xyz;
setMatID( 1.0 );
setPos( newPos - viewerPos );
setNormal( normalize( normal ) );
setAlbedo( albedo.rgb );
setSpecMask( specParams.x );
// =================================================================================================
#include "shaders/utilityLib/vertCommon.glsl"
#include "shaders/utilityLib/vertSkinning.glsl"
uniform mat4 viewProjMat;
uniform vec4 lightPos;
attribute vec3 vertPos;
varying vec3 lightVec;
void main( void )
#ifdef _F01_Skinning
vec4 pos = calcWorldPos( skinPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ) ) );
vec4 pos = calcWorldPos( vec4( vertPos, 1.0 ) );
lightVec = lightPos.xyz - pos.xyz;
gl_Position = viewProjMat * pos;
// =================================================================================================
uniform vec4 lightPos;
uniform float shadowBias;
varying vec3 lightVec;
void main( void )
#ifdef _F05_AlphaTest
vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, texCoords * vec2( 1, -1 ) );
if( albedo.a < 0.01 ) discard;
float dist = length( lightVec ) / lightPos.w;
gl_FragDepth = dist + shadowBias;
// Clearly better bias but requires SM 3.0
//gl_FragDepth = dist + abs( dFdx( dist ) ) + abs( dFdy( dist ) ) + shadowBias;
// =================================================================================================
#include "shaders/shaderSettings.shader"
#include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl"
uniform vec4 specParams;
uniform sampler2D albedoMap;
uniform sampler2D causticMap;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
varying vec4 pos, vsPos;
varying vec2 texCoords;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
varying mat3 tsbMat;
varying vec3 tsbNormal;
varying float fogFactor;
uniform vec4 fogColor;
varying vec4 projCoords;
void main( void )
vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 );
// Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system
newCoords.t *= -1.0;
vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, newCoords.st );
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
vec3 normalMap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st ).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 normal = tsbMat * normalMap;
vec3 normal = tsbNormal;
vec3 newPos = pos.xyz;
// calculate phong and add caustic texture to final color
vec4 causticColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
if ( projCoords.w > 0 )
causticColor = texture2DProj( causticMap, projCoords );
vec3 finalColor = calcPhongSpotLight( newPos, normalize( normal ), albedo.rgb + (causticColor*SHADERSETTINGS_CAUSTICS_STRENGTH).rgb, specParams.x, specParams.y, -vsPos.z, 0.0 );
// distance between camera and pixel
float camVertexDistance = gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w;
// display z-buffer
// float z = camVertexDistance / SHADERSETTINGS_FOG_FARCLIPPLANE;
// gl_FragColor = vec4( z, z, z, 1.0 );
// calculate fog factor
/* const float LOG2 = 1.442695;
float fogFactor = exp2( -gl_Fog.density * gl_Fog.density * camVertexDistance * camVertexDistance * LOG2 );
fogFactor = clamp( fogFactor, 0.0, 1.0 );
// determine final color
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix( fogColor.rgb, finalColor.rgb, fogFactor );
//gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3( fogFactor, fogFactor, fogFactor );
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3( 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 );
// =================================================================================================
#include "shaders/utilityLib/fragLighting.glsl"
uniform sampler2D albedoMap;
uniform samplerCube ambientMap;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
varying vec4 pos;
varying vec2 texCoords;
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
varying mat3 tsbMat;
varying vec3 tsbNormal;
void main( void )
vec3 newCoords = vec3( texCoords, 0 );
// Flip texture vertically to match the GL coordinate system
newCoords.t *= -1.0;
vec4 albedo = texture2D( albedoMap, newCoords.st );
#ifdef _F02_NormalMapping
vec3 normalMap = texture2D( normalMap, newCoords.st ).rgb * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 normal = tsbMat * normalMap;
vec3 normal = tsbNormal;
//gl_FragColor.rgb = albedo.rgb;// * textureCube( ambientMap, normal ).rgb;
gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );