Horde3D API

Horde3D API
ConventionsSome conventions for the API.
Typedefs and constants
Predefined constants
H3DOptionsThe available engine option parameters.
H3DStatsThe available engine statistic parameters.
H3DResTypesThe available resource types.
H3DResFlagsThe available flags used when adding a resource.
H3DFormatsThe available resource stream formats.
H3DGeoResThe available Geometry resource accessors.
H3DAnimResThe available Animation resource accessors.
H3DMatResThe available Material resource accessors.
H3DShaderResThe available Shader resource accessors.
H3DTexResThe available Texture resource accessors.
H3DPartEffResThe available ParticleEffect resource accessors.
H3DPipeResThe available Pipeline resource accessors.
H3DNodeTypesThe available scene node types.
H3DNodeParamsThe available scene node parameters.
H3DModelThe available Model node parameters
H3DMeshThe available Mesh node parameters.
H3DJointThe available Joint node parameters.
H3DLightThe available Light node parameters.
H3DCameraThe available Camera node parameters.
H3DEmitterThe available Emitter node parameters.
Basic functions
h3dGetVersionStringReturns the engine version string.
h3dCheckExtensionChecks if an extension is part of the engine library.
h3dInitInitializes the engine.
h3dReleaseReleases the engine.
h3dSetupViewportSets the location and size of the viewport.
h3dRenderMain rendering function.
h3dFinalizeFrameMarker for end of frame.
h3dClearRemoves all resources and scene nodes.
h3dGetMessageGets the next message from the message queue.
h3dGetOptionGets an option parameter of the engine.
h3dSetOptionSets an option parameter for the engine.
h3dGetStatGets a statistic value of the engine.
h3dShowOverlayShows an overlay on the screen.
h3dClearOverlaysRemoves all overlays.
General resource management functions
h3dGetResTypeReturns the type of a resource.
h3dGetResNameReturns the name of a resource.
h3dGetNextResourceReturns the next resource of the specified type.
h3dFindResourceFinds a resource and returns its handle.
h3dAddResourceAdds a resource.
h3dCloneResourceDuplicates a resource.
h3dRemoveResourceRemoves a resource.
h3dIsResLoadedChecks if a resource is loaded.
h3dLoadResourceLoads a resource.
h3dUnloadResourceUnloads a resource.
h3dGetResElemCountGets the number of elements in a resource.
h3dFindResElemFinds a resource element with the specified property value.
h3dGetResParamIGets an integer property of a resource element.
h3dSetResParamISets an integer property of a resource element.
h3dGetResParamFGets a float property of a resource element.
h3dSetResParamFSets a float property of a resource element.
h3dGetResParamStrGets a string property of a resource element.
h3dSetResParamStrSets a string property of a resource element.
h3dMapResStreamMaps the stream of a resource element.
h3dUnmapResStreamUnmaps a previously mapped resource stream.
h3dQueryUnloadedResourceReturns handle to an unloaded resource.
h3dReleaseUnusedResourcesFrees resources that are no longer used.
Specific resource management functions
h3dCreateTextureCreates a Texture resource.
h3dSetShaderPreamblesSets preambles of all Shader resources.
h3dSetMaterialUniformSets a shader uniform of a Material resource.
h3dGetPipelineRenderTargetDataReads the pixel data of a pipeline render target buffer.
General scene graph functions
h3dGetNodeTypeReturns the type of a scene node.
h3dGetNodeParentReturns the parent of a scene node.
h3dSetNodeParentRelocates a node in the scene graph.
h3dGetNodeChildReturns the handle to a child node.
h3dAddNodesAdds nodes from a SceneGraph resource to the scene.
h3dRemoveNodeRemoves a node from the scene.
h3dSetNodeActivationSets the activation (visibility) state of a node.
h3dCheckNodeTransFlagChecks if a scene node has been transformed by the engine.
h3dGetNodeTransformGets the relative transformation of a node.
h3dSetNodeTransformSets the relative transformation of a node.
h3dGetNodeTransMatsReturns the transformation matrices of a node.
h3dSetNodeTransMatSets the relative transformation matrix of a node.
h3dGetNodeParamIGets a property of a scene node.
h3dSetNodeParamISets a property of a scene node.
h3dGetNodeParamFGets a property of a scene node.
h3dSetNodeParamFSets a property of a scene node.
h3dGetNodeParamStrGets a property of a scene node.
h3dSetNodeParamStrSets a property of a scene node.
h3dGetNodeAABBGets the bounding box of a scene node.
h3dFindNodesFinds scene nodes with the specified properties.
h3dGetNodeFindResultGets a result from the findNodes query.
h3dCastRayPerforms a recursive ray collision query.
h3dGetCastRayResultReturns a result of a previous castRay query.
h3dCheckNodeVisibilityChecks if a node is visible.
Group-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddGroupNodeAdds a Group node to the scene.
Model-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddModelNodeAdds a Model node to the scene.
h3dSetupModelAnimStageConfigures an animation stage of a Model node.
h3dSetModelAnimParamsSets the parameters of an animation stage in a Model node.
h3dSetModelMorpherSets the weight of a morph target.
Mesh-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddMeshNodeAdds a Mesh node to the scene.
Joint-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddJointNodeAdds a Joint node to the scene.
Light-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddLightNodeAdds a Light node to the scene.
Camera-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddCameraNodeAdds a Camera node to the scene.
h3dSetupCameraViewSets the planes of a camera viewing frustum.
h3dGetCameraProjMatGets the camera projection matrix.
Emitter-specific scene graph functions
h3dAddEmitterNodeAdds a Emitter node to the scene.
h3dAdvanceEmitterTimeAdvances the time value of an Emitter node.
h3dHasEmitterFinishedChecks if an Emitter node is still alive.


Some conventions for the API.

Horde3D uses a right-handed coordinate system, where y is the up-axis and the positive z-axis is pointing out of the screen.  The rotations are specified in degrees and rotation direction is counter-clockwise when looking down the axis from the the positive end towards the origin.  View vectors like the camera or light direction are always pointing along the negative z-axis when no transformation is applied.  Matrices in Horde are stored in a column-major memory layout.  When Euler angles are used, the rotation order is YXZ [*vec], so the z-rotation is applied first.

Typedefs and constants


H3DReshandle to resource (type: int32)
H3DNodehandle to scene node (type: int32)

Predefined constants

H3DRootNodeScene root node handle



The available engine option parameters.

MaxLogLevelDefines the maximum log level; only messages which are smaller or equal to this value (hence more important) are published in the message queue.  (Default: 4)
MaxNumMessagesDefines the maximum number of messages that can be stored in the message queue (Default: 512)
TrilinearFilteringEnables or disables trilinear filtering for textures.  (Values: 0, 1; Default: 1)
MaxAnisotropySets the maximum quality for anisotropic filtering.  (Values: 1, 2, 4, 8; Default: 1)
TexCompressionEnables or disables texture compression; only affects textures that are loaded after setting the option.  (Values: 0, 1; Default: 0)
LoadTexturesEnables or disables loading of texture images; option can be used to minimize loading times for testing.  (Values: 0, 1; Default: 1)
FastAnimationDisables or enables inter-frame interpolation for animations.  (Values: 0, 1; Default: 1)
ShadowMapSizeSets the size of the shadow map buffer (Values: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048; Default: 1024)
SampleCountMaximum number of samples used for multisampled render targets; only affects pipelines that are loaded after setting the option.  (Values: 0, 2, 4, 8, 16; Default: 0)
WireframeModeEnables or disables wireframe rendering
DebugViewModeEnables or disables debug view where geometry is rendered in wireframe without shaders and lights are visualized using their screen space bounding box.  (Values: 0, 1; Default: 0)
DumpFailedShadersEnables or disables storing of shader code that failed to compile in a text file; this can be useful in combination with the line numbers given back by the shader compiler.  (Values: 0, 1; Default: 0)


The available engine statistic parameters.

TriCountNumber of triangles that were pushed to the renderer
BatchCountNumber of batches (draw calls)
LightPassCountNumber of lighting passes
FrameTimeTime in ms between two finalizeFrame calls
CustomTimeValue of custom timer (useful for profiling engine functions)


The available resource types.

UndefinedAn undefined resource, returned by getResourceType in case of error
SceneGraphScene graph subtree stored in XML format
GeometryGeometrical data containing bones, vertices and triangles
AnimationAnimation data
MaterialMaterial script
CodeText block containing shader source code
ShaderShader program
TextureTexture map
ParticleEffectParticle configuration
PipelineRendering pipeline


The available flags used when adding a resource.

NoQueryExcludes resource from being listed by queryUnloadedResource function.
NoTexCompressionDisables texture compression for Texture resource.
NoTexMipmapsDisables generation of mipmaps for Texture resource.
TexCubemapSets Texture resource to be a cubemap.
TexDynamicEnables more efficient updates of Texture resource streams.
TexRenderableMakes Texture resource usable as render target.


The available resource stream formats.

UnknownUnknown format
TEX_BGRA88-bit BGRA texture
TEX_DXT1DXT1 compressed texture
TEX_DXT3DXT3 compressed texture
TEX_DXT5DXT5 compressed texture
TEX_RGBA16FHalf float RGBA texture
TEX_RGBA32FFloat RGBA texture


The available Geometry resource accessors.

GeometryElemBase element
GeoIndexCountINumber of indices [read-only]
GeoIndices16IFlag indicating whether index data is 16 or 32 bit [read-only]
GeoVertexCountINumber of vertices [read-only]
GeoIndexStreamTriangle index data (uint16 or uint32, depending on flag) [read-only]
GeoVertPosStreamVertex position data (float x, y, z) [read-only]


The available Animation resource accessors.

EntityElemStored animation entities (joints and meshes)
EntFrameCountINumber of frames stored for a specific entity [read-only]


The available Material resource accessors.

MaterialElemBase element
SamplerElemSampler element
UniformElemUniform element
MatClassStrMaterial class
MatLinkIMaterial resource that is linked to this material
MatShaderIShader resource
SampNameStrName of sampler [read-only]
SampTexResITexture resource bound to sampler
UnifNameStrName of uniform [read-only]
UnifValueF4Value of uniform (a, b, c, d)


The available Shader resource accessors.

ContextElemContext element
SamplerElemSampler element
UniformElemUniform element
ContNameStrName of context [read-only]
SampNameStrName of sampler [read-only]
UnifNameStrName of uniform [read-only]
UnifDefValueF4Default value of uniform (a, b, c, d)


The available Texture resource accessors.

TextureElemBase element
ImageElemSubresources of the texture.  A texture consists, depending on the type, of a number of equally sized slices which again can have a fixed number of mipmaps.  Each image element represents the base image of a slice or a single mipmap level of the corresponding slice.
TexFormatITexture format [read-only]
TexSliceCountINumber of slices (1 for 2D texture and 6 for cubemap) [read-only]
ImgWidthIImage width [read-only]
ImgHeightIImage height [read-only]
ImgPixelStreamPixel data of an image.  The data layout matches the layout specified by the texture format with the exception that half-float is converted to float.  The first element in the data array corresponds to the lower left corner.


The available ParticleEffect resource accessors.

ParticleElemGeneral particle configuration
ChanMoveVelElemVelocity channel
ChanRotVelElemAngular velocity channel
ChanSizeElemSize channel
ChanColRElemRed color component channel
ChanColGElemGreen color component channel
ChanColBElemBlue color component channel
ChanColAElemAlpha channel
PartLifeMinFMinimum value of random life time (in seconds)
PartLifeMaxFMaximum value of random life time (in seconds)
ChanStartMinFMinimum for selecting initial random value of channel
ChanStartMaxFMaximum for selecting initial random value of channel
ChanEndRateFRemaining percentage of initial value when particle is dying


The available Pipeline resource accessors.

StageElemPipeline stage
StageNameStrName of stage [read-only]
StageActivationIFlag indicating whether stage is active


The available scene node types.

UndefinedAn undefined node type, returned by getNodeType in case of error
GroupGroup of different scene nodes
Model3D model with optional skeleton
MeshSubgroup of a model with triangles of one material
JointJoint for skeletal animation
LightLight source
CameraCamera giving view on scene
EmitterParticle system emitter


The available scene node parameters.

NameStrName of the scene node
AttachmentStrOptional application-specific meta data for a node encapsulated in an ‘Attachment’ XML string


The available Model node parameters

GeoResIGeometry resource used for the model
SWSkinningIEnables or disables software skinning (default: 0)
LodDist1FDistance to camera from which on LOD1 is used (default: infinite) (must be a positive value larger than 0.0)
LodDist2FDistance to camera from which on LOD2 is used (may not be smaller than LodDist1) (default: infinite)
LodDist3FDistance to camera from which on LOD3 is used (may not be smaller than LodDist2) (default: infinite)
LodDist4FDistance to camera from which on LOD4 is used (may not be smaller than LodDist3) (default: infinite)


The available Mesh node parameters.

MatResIMaterial resource used for the mesh
BatchStartIFirst triangle index of mesh in Geometry resource of parent Model node [read-only]
BatchCountINumber of triangle indices used for drawing mesh [read-only]
VertRStartIFirst vertex in Geometry resource of parent Model node [read-only]
VertREndILast vertex in Geometry resource of parent Model node [read-only]
LodLevelILOD level of Mesh; the mesh is only rendered if its LOD level corresponds to the model’s current LOD level which is calculated based on the LOD distances (default: 0)


The available Joint node parameters.

JointIndexIIndex of joint in Geometry resource of parent Model node [read-only]


The available Light node parameters.

MatResIMaterial resource used for the light
RadiusFRadius of influence (default: 100.0)
FovFField of view (FOV) angle (default: 90.0)
ColorF3Diffuse color RGB (default: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
ShadowMapCountINumber of shadow maps used for light source (values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; default: 0)]
ShadowSplitLambdaFConstant determining segmentation of view frustum for Parallel Split Shadow Maps (default: 0.5)
ShadowMapBiasFBias value for shadow mapping to reduce shadow acne (default: 0.005)
LightingContextStrName of shader context used for computing lighting
ShadowContextStrName of shader context used for generating shadow map


The available Camera node parameters.

PipeResIPipeline resource used for rendering
OutTexResI2D Texture resource used as output buffer (can be 0 to use main framebuffer) (default: 0)
OutBufIndexIIndex of the output buffer for stereo rendering (values: 0 for left eye, 1 for right eye) (default: 0)
LeftPlaneFCoordinate of left plane relative to near plane center (default: -0.055228457)
RightPlaneFCoordinate of right plane relative to near plane center (default: 0.055228457)
BottomPlaneFCoordinate of bottom plane relative to near plane center (default: -0.041421354f)
TopPlaneFCoordinate of top plane relative to near plane center (default: 0.041421354f)
NearPlaneFDistance of near clipping plane (default: 0.1)
FarPlaneFDistance of far clipping plane (default: 1000)
OrthoIFlag for setting up an orthographic frustum instead of a perspective one (default: 0)
OccCullingIFlag for enabling occlusion culling (default: 0)


The available Emitter node parameters.

MatResIMaterial resource used for rendering
PartEffResIParticleEffect resource which configures particle properties
MaxCountIMaximal number of particles living at the same time
RespawnCountINumber of times a single particle is recreated after dying (-1 for infinite)
DelayFTime in seconds before emitter begins creating particles (default: 0.0)
EmissionRateFMaximal number of particles to be created per second (default: 0.0)
SpreadAngleFAngle of cone for random emission direction (default: 0.0)
ForceF3Force vector XYZ applied to particles (default: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Basic functions


DLL const char *h3dGetVersionString()

Returns the engine version string.


This function returns a pointer to a string containing the current version of Horde3D.




pointer to the version string


DLL bool h3dCheckExtension(const char *extensionName)

Checks if an extension is part of the engine library.


This function checks if a specified extension is contained in the DLL/shared object of the engine.


extensionNamename of the extension


true if extension is implemented, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dInit()

Initializes the engine.


This function initializes the graphics engine and makes it ready for use.  It has to be the first call to the engine except for getVersionString.  In order to successfully initialize the engine the calling application must provide a valid OpenGL context.  The function can be called several times on different rendering contexts in order to initialize them.




true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL void h3dRelease()

Releases the engine.


This function releases the engine and frees all objects and associated memory.  It should be called when the application is destroyed.






DLL void h3dSetupViewport(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
bool resizeBuffers)

Sets the location and size of the viewport.


This function sets the location and size of the viewport.  It has to be called after engine initialization and whenever the size of the rendering context/window changes.  The resizeBuffers parameter specifies whether render targets with a size relative to the viewport dimensions should be resized.  This is usually desired after engine initialization and when the window is resized but not for just rendering to a part of the framebuffer.


xthe x-position of the lower left corner of the viewport rectangle
ythe y-position of the lower left corner of the viewport rectangle
widththe width of the viewport
heightthe height of the viewport
resizeBuffersspecifies whether render targets should be adapted to new size




DLL bool h3dRender(H3DNode cameraNode)

Main rendering function.


This is the main function of the engine.  It executes all the rendering, animation and other tasks.  The function can be called several times per frame, for example in order to write to different output buffers.


cameraNodecamera node used for rendering scene


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dFinalizeFrame()

Marker for end of frame.


This function tells the engine that the current frame is finished and that all subsequent rendering operations will be for the next frame.




true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL void h3dClear()

Removes all resources and scene nodes.


This function removes all nodes from the scene graph except the root node and releases all resources.

Warning: All resource and node IDs are invalid after calling this function






DLL const char *h3dGetMessage(int *level,
float *time)

Gets the next message from the message queue.


This function returns the next message string from the message queue and writes additional information to the specified variables.  If no message is left over in the queue an empty string is returned.


levelpointer to variable for storing message level indicating importance (can be NULL)
timepointer to variable for storing time when message was added (can be NULL)


message string or empty string if no message is in queue


DLL float h3dGetOption(H3DOptions::List param)

Gets an option parameter of the engine.


This function gets a specified option parameter and returns its value.


paramoption parameter


current value of the specified option parameter


DLL bool h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::List param,
float value)

Sets an option parameter for the engine.


This function sets a specified option parameter to a specified value.


paramoption parameter
valuevalue of the option parameter


true if the option could be set to the specified value, otherwise false


DLL float h3dGetStat(H3DStats::List param,
bool reset)

Gets a statistic value of the engine.


This function returns the value of the specified statistic.  The reset flag makes it possible to reset the statistic value after reading.


paramstatistic parameter
resetflag specifying whether statistic value should be reset


current value of the specified statistic parameter


DLL void h3dShowOverlay(float x_tl,
float y_tl,
float u_tl,
float v_tl,
float x_bl,
float y_bl,
float u_bl,
float v_bl,
float x_br,
float y_br,
float u_br,
float v_br,
float x_tr,
float y_tr,
float u_tr,
float v_tr,
float colR,
float colG,
float colB,
float colA,
H3DRes materialRes,
int layer)

Shows an overlay on the screen.


This function displays an overlay with a specified material at a specified position on the screen.  An overlay is a 2D image that can be used to render 2D GUI elements.  The coordinate system used has its origin (0, 0) at the top-left corner of the screen and its maximum (1, 1) at the bottom-right corner.  Texture coordinates are using a system where the coordinates (0, 0) correspond to the lower left corner of the image.  Overlays can have different layers which describe the order in which they are drawn.  Overlays with smaller layer numbers are drawn before overlays with higher layer numbers.  Note that the overlays have to be removed manually using the function clearOverlays.


x_tl, y_tl, u_tl, v_tlposition and texture coordinates of the top-left corner
x_bl, y_bl, u_bl, v_blposition and texture coordinates of the bottom-left corner
x_br, y_br, u_br, v_brposition and texture coordinates of the bottom-right corner
x_tr, y_tr, u_tr, v_trposition and texture coordinates of the top-right corner
colR, colG, colB, colAcolor of the overlay that is set for the material’s shader
materialResmaterial resource used for rendering
layerlayer index of the overlay (Values: from 0 to 7)




DLL void h3dClearOverlays()

Removes all overlays.


This function removes all overlays that were added usig showOverlay.





General resource management functions


DLL int h3dGetResType(H3DRes res)

Returns the type of a resource.


This function returns the type of a specified resource.  If the resource handle is invalid, the function returns the resource type ‘Unknown’.


reshandle to the resource


type of the resource


DLL const char *h3dGetResName(H3DRes res)

Returns the name of a resource.


This function returns a pointer to the name of a specified resource.  If the resource handle is invalid, the function returns an empty string.

Important Note: The pointer is const and allows only read access to the data.  Do never try to modify the data of the pointer since that can corrupt the engine’s internal states!


reshandle to the resource


name of the resource or empty string in case of failure


DLL H3DRes h3dGetNextResource(int type,
H3DRes start)

Returns the next resource of the specified type.


This function searches the next resource of the specified type and returns its handle.  The search begins after the specified start handle.  If a further resource of the queried type does not exist, a zero handle is returned.  The function can be used to iterate over all resources of a given type by using as start the return value of the previous iteration step.  The first iteration step should start at 0 and iteration can be ended when the function returns 0.


typetype of resource to be searched (ResourceTypes::Undefined for all types)
startresource handle after which the search begins (can be 0 for beginning of resource list)


handle to the found resource or 0 if it does not exist


DLL H3DRes h3dFindResource(int type,
const char *name)

Finds a resource and returns its handle.


This function searches the resource of the specified type and name and returns its handle.  If the resource is not available in the resource manager a zero handle is returned.


typetype of the resource
namename of the resource


handle to the resource or 0 if not found


DLL H3DRes h3dAddResource(int type,
const char *name,
int flags)

Adds a resource.


This function tries to add a resource of a specified type and name to the resource manager.  If a resource of the same type and name is already existing, the handle to the existing resource is returned instead of creating a new one and the user reference count of the resource is increased.

Note: The name string may not contain a colon character (:)


typetype of the resource
namename of the resource
flagsflags used for creating the resource


handle to the resource to be added or 0 in case of failure


DLL H3DRes h3dCloneResource(H3DRes sourceRes,
const char *name)

Duplicates a resource.


This function duplicates a specified resource.  In the cloning process a new resource with the specified name is added to the resource manager and filled with the data of the specified source resource.  If the specified name for the new resource is already in use, the function fails and returns 0.  If the name string is empty, a unique name for the resource is generated automatically.

Note: The name string may not contain a colon character (:)


sourceReshandle to resource to be cloned
namename of new resource (can be empty for auto-naming)


handle to the cloned resource or 0 in case of failure


DLL int h3dRemoveResource(H3DRes res)

Removes a resource.


This function decreases the user reference count of a specified resource.  When the user reference count is zero and there are no internal references, the resource can be released and removed using the API fuction releaseUnusedResources.


reshandle to the resource to be removed


the number of references that the application is still holding after removal or -1 in case of an error


DLL bool h3dIsResLoaded(H3DRes res)

Checks if a resource is loaded.


This function checks if the specified resource has been successfully loaded.


reshandle to the resource to be checked


true if resource is loaded, otherwise or in case of failure false


DLL bool h3dLoadResource(H3DRes res,
const char *data,
int size)

Loads a resource.


This function loads data for a resource that was previously added to the resource manager.  If data is a NULL-pointer the resource manager is told that the resource doesn’t have any data (e.g. the corresponding file was not found).  In this case, the resource remains in the unloaded state but is no more returned when querying unloaded resources.  When the specified resource is already loaded, the function returns false.

Important Note: XML-data must be NULL-terminated


reshandle to the resource for which data will be loaded
datapointer to the data to be loaded
sizesize of the data block


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dUnloadResource(H3DRes res)

Unloads a resource.


This function unloads a previously loaded resource and restores the default values it had before loading.  The state is set back to unloaded which makes it possible to load the resource again.


reshandle to resource to be unloaded


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL int h3dGetResElemCount(H3DRes res,
int elem)

Gets the number of elements in a resource.


This function returns how many elements of the specified element type a specified resource has.


reshandle to the resource to be accessed
elemelement type


number of elements


DLL int h3dFindResElem(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int param,
const char *value)

Finds a resource element with the specified property value.


This function searches in a specified resource for the first element of the specified type that has the property with the specified name set to the specified search value.  If such element is found, its index is returned, otherwise the function returns -1.  All string comparisons done for the search are case-sensitive.


reshandle to the resource to be accessed
elemelement type
paramparameter name
valueparameter value to be searched for


index of element or -1 if element not found


DLL int h3dGetResParamI(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param)

Gets an integer property of a resource element.


This function returns a specified property of the specified resource element.  The property must be of the type int.


reshandle to the resource to be accessed
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
paramparameter to be accessed


value of the parameter


DLL bool h3dSetResParamI(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
int value)

Sets an integer property of a resource element.


This function sets a specified property of the specified resource element to the specified value.  The property must be of the type int.


reshandle to the resource to be modified
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
paramparameter to be modified
valuenew value for the specified parameter


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL float h3dGetResParamF(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
int compIdx)

Gets a float property of a resource element.


This function returns the specified component of the specified resource element property.  The property must be of the type float.  Float properties can have several indexed components, for example the x, y and z components of a vector.


reshandle to the resource to be accessed
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
paramparameter to be accessed
compIdxcomponent of the parameter to be accessed


value of the parameter


DLL bool h3dSetResParamF(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
int compIdx,
float value)

Sets a float property of a resource element.


This function sets the specified component of the specified resource element property to the specified value.  The property must be of the type float.


reshandle to the resource to be modified
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
paramparameter to be modified
compIdxcomponent of the parameter to be modified
valuenew value for the specified parameter


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL const char *h3dGetResParamStr(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param)

Gets a string property of a resource element.


This function returns a specified property of the specified resource element.  The property must be of the type string (const char *).

Important Note: The pointer is const and allows only read access to the data.  Do never try to modify the data of the pointer since that can corrupt the engine’s internal states!


reshandle to the resource to be accessed
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
paramparameter to be accessed


value of the property or empty string if no such property exists


DLL bool h3dSetResParamStr(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
const char *value)

Sets a string property of a resource element.


This function sets a specified property of the specified resource element to the specified value.  The property must be of the type string (const char *).


reshandle to the resource to be modified
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
paramparameter to be modified
valuenew value for the specified parameter


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL void *h3dMapResStream(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int stream,
bool read,
bool write)

Maps the stream of a resource element.


This function maps the specified stream of a specified resource element and returns a pointer to the stream data.  The required access to the data can be specified with the read write parameters.  If read is false, the pointer will usually not contain meaningful data.  Not all resource streams can be mapped with both read and write access.  If it is not possible to map the stream, the function will return a NULL pointer.  A mapped stream should be unmapped again as soon as possible but always before subsequent API calls are made.  It is only possible to map one stream per resource at a time.


reshandle to the resource to be mapped
elemelement type
elemIdxindex of element
streamstream to be mapped
readflag indicating whether read access is required
writeflag indicating whether write access is required


pointer to stream data or NULL if stream cannot be mapped


DLL bool h3dUnmapResStream(H3DRes res)

Unmaps a previously mapped resource stream.


This function unmaps a resource stream that has been mapped before.


reshandle to the resource to be unmapped


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL H3DRes h3dQueryUnloadedResource(int index)

Returns handle to an unloaded resource.


This function looks for a resource that is not yet loaded and returns its handle.  If there are no unloaded resources or the zero based index specified is greater than the number of the currently unloaded resources, 0 is returned.


indexindex of unloaded resource within the internal list of unloaded resources (starting with 0)


handle to an unloaded resource or 0


DLL void h3dReleaseUnusedResources()

Frees resources that are no longer used.


This function releases resources that are no longer used.  Unused resources were either told to be released by the user calling removeResource or are no more referenced by any other engine objects.





Specific resource management functions


DLL H3DRes h3dCreateTexture(const char *name,
int width,
int height,
int fmt,
int flags)

Creates a Texture resource.


This function tries to create and add a Texture resource with the specified name to the resource manager.  If a Texture resource with the same name is already existing, the function fails.  The texture is initialized with the specified dimensions and the resource is declared as loaded.  This function is especially useful to create dynamic textures (e.g. for displaying videos) or output buffers for render-to-texture.

Note: The name string may not contain a colon character (:)


namename of the resource
widthwidth of the texture image
heightheight of the texture image
fmttexture format (see stream formats)
flagsflags used for creating the resource


handle to the created resource or 0 in case of failure


DLL void h3dSetShaderPreambles(const char *vertPreamble,
const char *fragPreamble)

Sets preambles of all Shader resources.


This function defines a header that is inserted at the beginning of all shaders.  The preamble is used when a shader is compiled, so changing it will not affect any shaders that are already compiled.  The preamble is useful for setting platform-specific defines that can be employed for creating several shader code paths, e.g. for supporting different hardware capabilities.


vertPreamblepreamble text of vertex shaders (default: empty string)
fragPreamblepreamble text of fragment shaders (default: empty string)




DLL bool h3dSetMaterialUniform(H3DRes materialRes,
const char *name,
float a,
float b,
float c,
float d)

Sets a shader uniform of a Material resource.


This function sets the specified shader uniform of the specified material to the specified values.


materialReshandle to the Material resource to be accessed
namename of the uniform as defined in Material resource
a, b, c, dvalues of the four components


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dGetPipelineRenderTargetData(H3DRes pipelineRes,
const char *targetName,
int bufIndex,
int *width,
int *height,
int *compCount,
float *dataBuffer,
int bufferSize)

Reads the pixel data of a pipeline render target buffer.


This function reads the pixels of the specified buffer of the specified render target from the specified pipeline resource and stores it in the specified float array.  To calculate the size required for the array this function can be called with a NULL pointer for dataBuffer and pointers to variables where the width, height and number of (color) components (e.g.  4 for RGBA or 1 for depth) will be stored.  The function is not intended to be used for real-time scene rendering but rather as a tool for debugging.  For more information about the render buffers please refer to the Pipeline documentation.


pipelineReshandle to pipeline resource
targetNameunique name of render target to access
bufIndexindex of buffer to be accessed
widthpointer to variable where the width of the buffer will be stored (can be NULL)
heightpointer to variable where the height of the buffer will be stored (can be NULL)
compCountpointer to variable where the number of components will be stored (can be NULL)
dataBufferpointer to float array where the pixel data will be stored (can be NULL)
bufferSizesize of dataBuffer array in bytes


true in case of success, otherwise false

General scene graph functions


DLL int h3dGetNodeType(H3DNode node)

Returns the type of a scene node.


This function returns the type of a specified scene node.  If the node handle is invalid, the function returns the node type ‘Unknown’.


nodehandle to the scene node


type of the scene node


DLL H3DNode h3dGetNodeParent(H3DNode node)

Returns the parent of a scene node.


This function returns the handle to the parent node of a specified scene node.  If the specified node handle is invalid or the root node, 0 is returned.


nodehandle to the scene node


handle to parent node or 0 in case of failure


DLL bool h3dSetNodeParent(H3DNode node,
H3DNode parent)

Relocates a node in the scene graph.


This function relocates a scene node.  It detaches the node from its current parent and attaches it to the specified new parent node.  If the attachment to the new parent is not possible, the function returns false.  Relocation is not possible for the RootNode.


nodehandle to the scene node to be relocated
parenthandle to the new parent node


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL H3DNode h3dGetNodeChild(H3DNode node,
int index)

Returns the handle to a child node.


This function looks for the n-th (index) child node of a specified node and returns its handle.  If the child doesn’t exist, the function returns 0.


nodehandle to the parent node
indexindex of the child node


handle to the child node or 0 if child doesn’t exist


DLL H3DNode h3dAddNodes(H3DNode parent,
H3DRes sceneGraphRes)

Adds nodes from a SceneGraph resource to the scene.


This function creates several new nodes as described in a SceneGraph resource and attaches them to a specified parent node.  If an invalid scenegraph resource is specified or the scenegraph resource is unloaded, the function returns 0.


parenthandle to parent node to which the root of the new nodes will be attached
sceneGraphReshandle to loaded SceneGraph resource


handle to the root of the created nodes or 0 in case of failure


DLL bool h3dRemoveNode(H3DNode node)

Removes a node from the scene.


This function removes the specified node and all of it’s children from the scene.


nodehandle to the node to be removed


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dSetNodeActivation(H3DNode node,
bool active)

Sets the activation (visibility) state of a node.


This function sets the activation state of the specified node to active or inactive.  Inactive nodes with all their children are excluded from rendering.


nodehandle to the node to be modified
activeboolean value indicating whether node shall be active or inactive


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dCheckNodeTransFlag(H3DNode node,
bool reset)

Checks if a scene node has been transformed by the engine.


This function checks if a scene node has been transformed by the engine since the last time the transformation flag was reset.  Therefore, it stores a flag that is set to true when a setTransformation function is called explicitely by the application or when the node transformation has been updated by the animation system.  The function also makes it possible to reset the transformation flag.


nodehandle to the node to be accessed
resetflag indicating whether transformation flag shall be reset


true if node has been transformed, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dGetNodeTransform(H3DNode node,
float *tx,
float *ty,
float *tz,
float *rx,
float *ry,
float *rz,
float *sx,
float *sy,
float *sz)

Gets the relative transformation of a node.


This function gets the translation, rotation and scale of a specified scene node object.  The coordinates are in local space and contain the transformation of the node relative to its parent.


nodehandle to the node which will be accessed
tx, ty, tzpointers to variables where translation of the node will be stored (can be NULL)
rx, ry, rzpointers to variables where rotation of the node in Euler angles will be stored (can be NULL)
sx, sy, szpointers to variables where scale of the node will be stored (can be NULL)


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dSetNodeTransform(H3DNode node,
float tx,
float ty,
float tz,
float rx,
float ry,
float rz,
float sx,
float sy,
float sz)

Sets the relative transformation of a node.


This function sets the relative translation, rotation and scale of a specified scene node object.  The coordinates are in local space and contain the transformation of the node relative to its parent.


nodehandle to the node which will be modified
tx, ty, tztranslation of the node
rx, ry, rzrotation of the node in Euler angles
sx, sy, szscale of the node


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dGetNodeTransMats(H3DNode node,
const float **relMat,
const float **absMat)

Returns the transformation matrices of a node.


This function stores a pointer to the relative and absolute transformation matrices of the specified node in the specified pointer varaibles.


nodehandle to the scene node to be accessed
relMatpointer to a variable where the address of the relative transformation matrix will be stored (can be NULL if matrix is not required)
absMatpointer to a variable where the address of the absolute transformation matrix will be stored (can be NULL if matrix is not required)


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dSetNodeTransMat(H3DNode node,
const float *mat4x4)

Sets the relative transformation matrix of a node.


This function sets the relative transformation matrix of the specified scene node.  It is basically the same as setNodeTransform but takes directly a matrix instead of individual transformation parameters.


nodehandle to the node which will be modified
mat4x4pointer to a 4x4 matrix in column major order


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL int h3dGetNodeParamI(H3DNode node,
int param)

Gets a property of a scene node.


This function returns a specified property of the specified node.  The property must be of the type int or H3DRes.


nodehandle to the node to be accessed
paramparameter to be accessed


value of the parameter


DLL bool h3dSetNodeParamI(H3DNode node,
int param,
int value)

Sets a property of a scene node.


This function sets a specified property of the specified node to a specified value.  The property must be of the type int or H3DRes.


nodehandle to the node to be modified
paramparameter to be modified
valuenew value for the specified parameter


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL float h3dGetNodeParamF(H3DNode node,
int param,
int compIdx)

Gets a property of a scene node.


This function returns a specified property of the specified node.  Float properties can have several indexed components, for example the x, y and z components of a vector.  The property must be of the type float.


nodehandle to the node to be accessed
paramparameter to be accessed
compIdxcomponent of the parameter to be accessed


value of the parameter


DLL bool h3dSetNodeParamF(H3DNode node,
int param,
int compIdx,
float value)

Sets a property of a scene node.


This function sets a specified property of the specified node to a specified value.  The property must be of the type float.


nodehandle to the node to be modified
paramparameter to be modified
compIdxcomponent of the parameter to be modified
valuenew value for the specified parameter


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL const char *h3dGetNodeParamStr(H3DNode node,
int param)

Gets a property of a scene node.


This function returns a specified property of the specified node.  The property must be of the type string (const char *).

Important Note: The pointer is const and allows only read access to the data.  Do never try to modify the data of the pointer since that can corrupt the engine’s internal states!


nodehandle to the node to be accessed
paramparameter to be accessed


value of the property or empty string if no such property exists


DLL bool h3dSetNodeParamStr(H3DNode node,
int param,
const char *value)

Sets a property of a scene node.


This function sets a specified property of the specified node to a specified value.  The property must be of the type string (const char *).


nodehandle to the node to be modified
paramparameter to be modified
valuenew value for the specified parameter


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dGetNodeAABB(H3DNode node,
float *minX,
float *minY,
float *minZ,
float *maxX,
float *maxY,
float *maxZ)

Gets the bounding box of a scene node.


This function stores the world coordinates of the axis aligned bounding box of a specified node in the specified variables.  The bounding box is represented using the minimum and maximum coordinates on all three axes.


nodehandle to the node which will be accessed
minX, minY, minZpointers to variables where minimum coordinates will be stored
maxX, maxY, maxZpointers to variables where maximum coordinates will be stored


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL int h3dFindNodes(H3DNode startNode,
const char *name,
int type)

Finds scene nodes with the specified properties.


This function loops recursively over all children of startNode and adds them to an internal list of results if they match the specified name and type.  The result list is cleared each time this function is called.  The function returns the number of nodes which were found and added to the list.


startNodehandle to the node where the search begins
namename of nodes to be searched (empty string for all nodes)
typetype of nodes to be searched (SceneNodeTypes::Undefined for all types)


number of search results


DLL H3DNode h3dGetNodeFindResult(int index)

Gets a result from the findNodes query.


This function returns the n-th (index) result of a previous findNodes query.  The result is the handle to a scene node with the poperties specified at the findNodes query.  If the index doesn’t exist in the result list the function returns 0.


indexindex of search result


handle to scene node from findNodes query or 0 if result doesn’t exist


DLL int h3dCastRay(H3DNode node,
float ox,
float oy,
float oz,
float dx,
float dy,
float dz,
int numNearest)

Performs a recursive ray collision query.


This function checks recursively if the specified ray intersects the specified node or one of its children.  The function finds intersections relative to the ray origin and returns the number of intersecting scene nodes.  The ray is a line segment and is specified by a starting point (the origin) and a finite direction vector which also defines its length.  Currently this function is limited to returning intersections with Meshes.  For Meshes, the base LOD (LOD0) is always used for performing the ray-triangle intersection tests.


nodenode at which intersection check is beginning
ox, oy, ozray origin
dx, dy, dzray direction vector also specifying ray length
numNearestmaximum number of intersection points to be stored (0 for all)


number of intersections


DLL bool h3dGetCastRayResult(int index,
H3DNode *node,
float *distance,
float *intersection)

Returns a result of a previous castRay query.


This functions is used to access the results of a previous castRay query.  The index is used to access a specific result.  The intersection data is copied to the specified variables.


indexindex of result to be accessed (range: 0 to number of results returned by castRay)
nodehandle of intersected node
distancedistance from ray origin to intersection point
intersectioncoordinates of intersection point (float[3] array)


true if index was valid and data could be copied, otherwise false


DLL int h3dCheckNodeVisibility(H3DNode node,
H3DNode cameraNode,
bool checkOcclusion,
bool calcLod)

Checks if a node is visible.


This function checks if a specified node is visible from the perspective of a specified camera.  The function always checks if the node is in the camera’s frustum.  If checkOcclusion is true, the function will take into account the occlusion culling information from the previous frame (if occlusion culling is disabled the flag is ignored).  The flag calcLod determines whether the detail level for the node should be returned in case it is visible.  The function returns -1 if the node is not visible, otherwise 0 (base LOD level) or the computed LOD level.


nodenode to be checked for visibility
cameraNodecamera node from which the visibility test is done
checkOcclusionspecifies if occlusion info from previous frame should be taken into account
calcLodspecifies if LOD level should be computed


computed LOD level or -1 if node is not visible

Group-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddGroupNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name)

Adds a Group node to the scene.


This function creates a new Group node and attaches it to the specified parent node.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure

Model-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddModelNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes geometryRes)

Adds a Model node to the scene.


This function creates a new Model node and attaches it to the specified parent node.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node
geometryResGeometry resource used by Model node


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure


DLL bool h3dSetupModelAnimStage(H3DNode modelNode,
int stage,
H3DRes animationRes,
const char *startNode,
bool additive)

Configures an animation stage of a Model node.


This function is used to setup the specified animation stage (channel) of the specified Model node.

The function is used for animation blending.  There is a fixed number of stages (by default 16) on which different animations can be played.  The start node determines the first node (Joint or Mesh) to which the animation is recursively applied.  If the start node is an empty string, the animation affects all animatable nodes (Joints and Meshes) of the model.  If a NULL-handle is used for animationRes, the stage is cleared and the previous animation is removed.

A simple way to do animation mixing is using additive animations.  If a stage is configured to be additive the engine calculates the difference between the current frame and the first frame in the animation and adds this delta to the current transformation of the joints or meshes.


modelNodehandle to the Model node to be modified
stageindex of the animation stage to be configured
animationReshandle to Animation resource (can be 0)
startNodename of first node to which animation shall be applied (or empty string)
additiveflag indicating whether stage is additive


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dSetModelAnimParams(H3DNode modelNode,
int stage,
float time,
float weight)

Sets the parameters of an animation stage in a Model node.


This function sets the current animation time and weight for a specified stage of the specified model.  The time corresponds to the frames of the animation and the animation is looped if the time is higher than the maximum number of frames in the Animation resource.  The weight is used for animation blending and determines how much influence the stage has compared to the other active stages.  When the sum of the weights of all stages is more than one, the animations on the lower stages get priority.


modelNodehandle to the Model node to be modified
stageindex of the animation stage to be modified
timenew animation time/frame
weightnew blend weight


true in case of success, otherwise false


DLL bool h3dSetModelMorpher(H3DNode modelNode,
const char *target,
float weight)

Sets the weight of a morph target.


This function sets the weight of a specified morph target.  If the target parameter is an empty string the weight of all morph targets in the specified Model node is modified.  If the specified morph target is not found the function returns false.


modelNodehandle to the Model node to be modified
targetname of morph target
weightnew weight for morph target


true in case of success, otherwise false

Mesh-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddMeshNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes materialRes,
int batchStart,
int batchCount,
int vertRStart,
int vertREnd)

Adds a Mesh node to the scene.


This function creates a new Mesh node and attaches it to the specified parent node.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node
materialResmaterial resource used by Mesh node
batchStartfirst triangle index of mesh in Geometry resource of parent Model node
batchCountnumber of triangle indices used for drawing mesh
vertRStartfirst vertex in Geometry resource of parent Model node
vertREndlast vertex in Geometry resource of parent Model node


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure

Joint-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddJointNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
int jointIndex)

Adds a Joint node to the scene.


This function creates a new Joint node and attaches it to the specified parent node.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node
jointIndexindex of joint in Geometry resource of parent Model node


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure

Light-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddLightNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes materialRes,
const char *lightingContext,
const char *shadowContext)

Adds a Light node to the scene.


This function creates a new Light node and attaches it to the specified parent node.  The direction vector of the untransformed light node is pointing along the the negative z-axis.  The specified material resource can define uniforms and projective textures.  Furthermore it can contain a shader for doing lighting calculations if deferred shading is used.  If no material is required the parameter can be zero.  The context names define which shader contexts are used when rendering shadow maps or doing light calculations for forward rendering configurations.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node
materialResmaterial resource for light configuration or 0 if not used
lightingContextname of the shader context used for doing light calculations
shadowContextname of the shader context used for doing shadow map rendering


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure

Camera-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddCameraNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes pipelineRes)

Adds a Camera node to the scene.


This function creates a new Camera node and attaches it to the specified parent node.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node
pipelineRespipeline resource used for rendering


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure


DLL bool h3dSetupCameraView(H3DNode cameraNode,
float fov,
float aspect,
float nearDist,
float farDist)

Sets the planes of a camera viewing frustum.


This function calculates the view frustum planes of the specified camera node using the specified view parameters.


cameraNodehandle to the Camera node which will be modified
fovfield of view (FOV) angle
aspectaspect ratio
nearDistdistance of near clipping plane
farDistdistance of far clipping plane


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dGetCameraProjMat(H3DNode cameraNode,
float *projMat)

Gets the camera projection matrix.


This function gets the camera projection matrix used for bringing the geometry to screen space and copies it to the specified array.


cameraNodehandle to Camera node
projMatpointer to float array with 16 elements


true in case of success otherwise false

Emitter-specific scene graph functions


DLL H3DNode h3dAddEmitterNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes materialRes,
H3DRes particleEffectRes,
int maxParticleCount,
int respawnCount)

Adds a Emitter node to the scene.


This function creates a new Emitter node and attaches it to the specified parent node.


parenthandle to parent node to which the new node will be attached
namename of the node
materialReshandle to Material resource used for rendering
particleEffectReshandle to ParticleEffect resource used for configuring particle properties
maxParticleCountmaximal number of particles living at the same time
respawnCountnumber of times a single particle is recreated after dying (-1 for infinite)


handle to the created node or 0 in case of failure


DLL bool h3dAdvanceEmitterTime(H3DNode emitterNode,
float timeDelta)

Advances the time value of an Emitter node.


This function advances the simulation time of a particle system and continues the particle simulation with timeDelta being the time elapsed since the last call of this function.  The specified node must be an Emitter node.


emitterNodehandle to the Emitter node which will be modified
timeDeltatime delta in seconds


true in case of success otherwise false


DLL bool h3dHasEmitterFinished(H3DNode emitterNode)

Checks if an Emitter node is still alive.


This function checks if a particle system is still active and has living particles or will spawn new particles.  The specified node must be an Emitter node.  The function can be used to check when a not infinitely running emitter for an effect like an explosion can be removed from the scene.


emitterNodehandle to the Emitter node which is checked


true if Emitter will no more emit any particles, otherwise or in case of failure false

DLL const char *h3dGetVersionString()
Returns the engine version string.
DLL bool h3dCheckExtension(const char *extensionName)
Checks if an extension is part of the engine library.
DLL bool h3dInit()
Initializes the engine.
DLL void h3dRelease()
Releases the engine.
DLL void h3dSetupViewport(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
bool resizeBuffers)
Sets the location and size of the viewport.
DLL bool h3dRender(H3DNode cameraNode)
Main rendering function.
DLL bool h3dFinalizeFrame()
Marker for end of frame.
DLL void h3dClear()
Removes all resources and scene nodes.
DLL const char *h3dGetMessage(int *level,
float *time)
Gets the next message from the message queue.
DLL float h3dGetOption(H3DOptions::List param)
Gets an option parameter of the engine.
DLL bool h3dSetOption(H3DOptions::List param,
float value)
Sets an option parameter for the engine.
DLL float h3dGetStat(H3DStats::List param,
bool reset)
Gets a statistic value of the engine.
DLL void h3dShowOverlay(float x_tl,
float y_tl,
float u_tl,
float v_tl,
float x_bl,
float y_bl,
float u_bl,
float v_bl,
float x_br,
float y_br,
float u_br,
float v_br,
float x_tr,
float y_tr,
float u_tr,
float v_tr,
float colR,
float colG,
float colB,
float colA,
H3DRes materialRes,
int layer)
Shows an overlay on the screen.
DLL void h3dClearOverlays()
Removes all overlays.
DLL int h3dGetResType(H3DRes res)
Returns the type of a resource.
DLL const char *h3dGetResName(H3DRes res)
Returns the name of a resource.
DLL H3DRes h3dGetNextResource(int type,
H3DRes start)
Returns the next resource of the specified type.
DLL H3DRes h3dFindResource(int type,
const char *name)
Finds a resource and returns its handle.
DLL H3DRes h3dAddResource(int type,
const char *name,
int flags)
Adds a resource.
DLL H3DRes h3dCloneResource(H3DRes sourceRes,
const char *name)
Duplicates a resource.
DLL int h3dRemoveResource(H3DRes res)
Removes a resource.
DLL bool h3dIsResLoaded(H3DRes res)
Checks if a resource is loaded.
DLL bool h3dLoadResource(H3DRes res,
const char *data,
int size)
Loads a resource.
DLL bool h3dUnloadResource(H3DRes res)
Unloads a resource.
DLL int h3dGetResElemCount(H3DRes res,
int elem)
Gets the number of elements in a resource.
DLL int h3dFindResElem(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int param,
const char *value)
Finds a resource element with the specified property value.
DLL int h3dGetResParamI(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param)
Gets an integer property of a resource element.
DLL bool h3dSetResParamI(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
int value)
Sets an integer property of a resource element.
DLL float h3dGetResParamF(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
int compIdx)
Gets a float property of a resource element.
DLL bool h3dSetResParamF(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
int compIdx,
float value)
Sets a float property of a resource element.
DLL const char *h3dGetResParamStr(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param)
Gets a string property of a resource element.
DLL bool h3dSetResParamStr(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int param,
const char *value)
Sets a string property of a resource element.
DLL void *h3dMapResStream(H3DRes res,
int elem,
int elemIdx,
int stream,
bool read,
bool write)
Maps the stream of a resource element.
DLL bool h3dUnmapResStream(H3DRes res)
Unmaps a previously mapped resource stream.
DLL H3DRes h3dQueryUnloadedResource(int index)
Returns handle to an unloaded resource.
DLL void h3dReleaseUnusedResources()
Frees resources that are no longer used.
DLL H3DRes h3dCreateTexture(const char *name,
int width,
int height,
int fmt,
int flags)
Creates a Texture resource.
DLL void h3dSetShaderPreambles(const char *vertPreamble,
const char *fragPreamble)
Sets preambles of all Shader resources.
DLL bool h3dSetMaterialUniform(H3DRes materialRes,
const char *name,
float a,
float b,
float c,
float d)
Sets a shader uniform of a Material resource.
DLL bool h3dGetPipelineRenderTargetData(H3DRes pipelineRes,
const char *targetName,
int bufIndex,
int *width,
int *height,
int *compCount,
float *dataBuffer,
int bufferSize)
Reads the pixel data of a pipeline render target buffer.
DLL int h3dGetNodeType(H3DNode node)
Returns the type of a scene node.
DLL H3DNode h3dGetNodeParent(H3DNode node)
Returns the parent of a scene node.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeParent(H3DNode node,
H3DNode parent)
Relocates a node in the scene graph.
DLL H3DNode h3dGetNodeChild(H3DNode node,
int index)
Returns the handle to a child node.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddNodes(H3DNode parent,
H3DRes sceneGraphRes)
Adds nodes from a SceneGraph resource to the scene.
DLL bool h3dRemoveNode(H3DNode node)
Removes a node from the scene.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeActivation(H3DNode node,
bool active)
Sets the activation (visibility) state of a node.
DLL bool h3dCheckNodeTransFlag(H3DNode node,
bool reset)
Checks if a scene node has been transformed by the engine.
DLL bool h3dGetNodeTransform(H3DNode node,
float *tx,
float *ty,
float *tz,
float *rx,
float *ry,
float *rz,
float *sx,
float *sy,
float *sz)
Gets the relative transformation of a node.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeTransform(H3DNode node,
float tx,
float ty,
float tz,
float rx,
float ry,
float rz,
float sx,
float sy,
float sz)
Sets the relative transformation of a node.
DLL bool h3dGetNodeTransMats(H3DNode node,
const float **relMat,
const float **absMat)
Returns the transformation matrices of a node.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeTransMat(H3DNode node,
const float *mat4x4)
Sets the relative transformation matrix of a node.
DLL int h3dGetNodeParamI(H3DNode node,
int param)
Gets a property of a scene node.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeParamI(H3DNode node,
int param,
int value)
Sets a property of a scene node.
DLL float h3dGetNodeParamF(H3DNode node,
int param,
int compIdx)
Gets a property of a scene node.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeParamF(H3DNode node,
int param,
int compIdx,
float value)
Sets a property of a scene node.
DLL const char *h3dGetNodeParamStr(H3DNode node,
int param)
Gets a property of a scene node.
DLL bool h3dSetNodeParamStr(H3DNode node,
int param,
const char *value)
Sets a property of a scene node.
DLL bool h3dGetNodeAABB(H3DNode node,
float *minX,
float *minY,
float *minZ,
float *maxX,
float *maxY,
float *maxZ)
Gets the bounding box of a scene node.
DLL int h3dFindNodes(H3DNode startNode,
const char *name,
int type)
Finds scene nodes with the specified properties.
DLL H3DNode h3dGetNodeFindResult(int index)
Gets a result from the findNodes query.
DLL int h3dCastRay(H3DNode node,
float ox,
float oy,
float oz,
float dx,
float dy,
float dz,
int numNearest)
Performs a recursive ray collision query.
DLL bool h3dGetCastRayResult(int index,
H3DNode *node,
float *distance,
float *intersection)
Returns a result of a previous castRay query.
DLL int h3dCheckNodeVisibility(H3DNode node,
H3DNode cameraNode,
bool checkOcclusion,
bool calcLod)
Checks if a node is visible.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddGroupNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name)
Adds a Group node to the scene.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddModelNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes geometryRes)
Adds a Model node to the scene.
DLL bool h3dSetupModelAnimStage(H3DNode modelNode,
int stage,
H3DRes animationRes,
const char *startNode,
bool additive)
Configures an animation stage of a Model node.
DLL bool h3dSetModelAnimParams(H3DNode modelNode,
int stage,
float time,
float weight)
Sets the parameters of an animation stage in a Model node.
DLL bool h3dSetModelMorpher(H3DNode modelNode,
const char *target,
float weight)
Sets the weight of a morph target.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddMeshNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes materialRes,
int batchStart,
int batchCount,
int vertRStart,
int vertREnd)
Adds a Mesh node to the scene.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddJointNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
int jointIndex)
Adds a Joint node to the scene.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddLightNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes materialRes,
const char *lightingContext,
const char *shadowContext)
Adds a Light node to the scene.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddCameraNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes pipelineRes)
Adds a Camera node to the scene.
DLL bool h3dSetupCameraView(H3DNode cameraNode,
float fov,
float aspect,
float nearDist,
float farDist)
Sets the planes of a camera viewing frustum.
DLL bool h3dGetCameraProjMat(H3DNode cameraNode,
float *projMat)
Gets the camera projection matrix.
DLL H3DNode h3dAddEmitterNode(H3DNode parent,
const char *name,
H3DRes materialRes,
H3DRes particleEffectRes,
int maxParticleCount,
int respawnCount)
Adds a Emitter node to the scene.
DLL bool h3dAdvanceEmitterTime(H3DNode emitterNode,
float timeDelta)
Advances the time value of an Emitter node.
DLL bool h3dHasEmitterFinished(H3DNode emitterNode)
Checks if an Emitter node is still alive.