Horde3D Wiki:HOWTO

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The HOWTO contains quick answers for smaller problems.

How to enable anti-aliasing (MSAA)

Anti-aliasing can only be enabled for render targets. The RenderTarget element used in Pipeline resources has an attribute maxSamples which defines the maximum number of samples used for MSAA. The actual number of samples is controlled by the engine option SampleCount. This makes it possible to control the anti-aliasing quality from the application. If SampleCount is set to zero, MSAA is disabled. Note that the hardware needs to support the EXT_framebuffer_multisample extension in order for the MSAA to work.

How to get the size of a loaded texture

The following code queries the dimensions of the base mipmap of a loaded texture:

C++ Code
int width = h3dGetResParamI( texResHandle, H3DTexRes::ImageElem, 0, H3DTexRes::ImgWidthI );
int height = h3dGetResParamI( texResHandle, H3DTexRes::ImageElem, 0, H3DTexRes::ImgHeightI );

If you want to get the dimensions of mipmap level n, change the elemIdx parameter which is 0 above to n.

How to modify vertex data

Vertex data is stored as streams in geometry resources. A pointer to the vertex data can be obtained by mapping a stream. The following code modifies the y coordinate of all vertex positions stored in the specified geometry resource.

C++ Code
int vertCount = h3dGetResParamI( myGeoRes, H3DGeoRes::GeometryElem, 0, H3DGeoRes::GeoVertexCountI );
float *pVertPosData = (float *)h3dMapResStream( myGeoRes, H3DGeoRes::GeometryElem, 0, H3DGeoRes::GeoVertPosStream, true, true );

for( int i = 0; i < vertCount; ++i )
    pVertPosData[i * 3 + 1] = pVertPosData[i * 3 + 1] * 2;

h3dUnmapResStream( myGeoRes );