Tips and Techniques

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Revision as of 11:41, 11 February 2009 by Pug (talk | contribs)
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  1. Try and make sure your geometry is a sealed mesh to avoid shadow artefacts.
  2. If your exporting an existing model over to Horde, make sure you update the ".scene.xml" file, as often even minor adjustments will result in a different batchCount.
  3. Material defined double sided polygons are currently unsupported, you will need to duplicate, flip and merge.
  4. Depending on your Collada exporter you may need to manually triangulate your model.
  5. When exporting make sure your complete mesh is UV mapped, and not just sections which will result in a ColladaConv crash.

Modo specific:

  1. Colladamodo Build 19 exporter from SourceForge will crash unless you save your work first! however this is the current recommended plugin.
  2. After exporting you may need to edit your DAE file in a program such as notepad to modify the up axis, from Z_UP to Y_UP (line 14) - current limitation of Build 19 (24/01/09).