How to contribute

From Horde3D Wiki
Revision as of 14:23, 13 February 2014 by Zuck (talk | contribs) (How to contribute)
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How to contribute

There are three main channels to contribute to the Horde3D project:

  1. Forum: contribute to create a friendly community.
  2. Wiki: help us documenting the project.
  3. GitHub: use your coding skills to improve the technology.

Report an issue

To report an issue, please use the official Issue Tracker at:

Become a contributor

To contribute with code, please follow this workflow:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Clone it on your machine.
  3. Code it!
  4. Commit & push back to your fork.
  5. Prepare a pull request.


You are not allowed to upload copyright protected files. You should commit only tested things and should not upload code that does not compile on your own development platform. If you are not sure if things you've developed are running on other platforms please specify in your pull request, so other people get informed and can test it on their platforms.

We can only accept code that is distributed under the LGPL or EPL license and assume that your submission is under that license.