Regenerating documentation

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Revision as of 22:37, 13 June 2017 by Irdis (talk | contribs) (Documentation generator how-to)
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Horde3D uses NaturalDocs as documentation generator.

In order to regenerate documentation you'll have to:

  1. Install NaturalDocs
  2. Copy horde's css file (api.css) from <Horde's SDK folder>/Horde3D/Docs/html/css to <NaturalDocs folder>/Styles
  3. Use the following command to generate docs:

naturaldocs -i <full path to Horde SDK folder>\Horde3D\Bindings\C++ -o FramedHTML <OutputPath> -p <ProjectPath> -s api.

OutputPath and ProjectPath should also be full paths, like C:/GeneratedDocs.

NaturalDocs cannot change the name of the css file that is included with generated documentation, so it is always named main.css and resides in <ProjectPath>/styles. Therefore, the reference to the css file should be changed in the generated docs from ../styles/main.css to css/api.css. After that generated doc file should be renamed to _api.html and copied to <Horde's SDK folder>/Horde3D/Docs/html.

Automated scripts for Windows and Linux are in the works.