const float Eta = 0.67; // Ratio of indices of refraction (air -> glass)
const float FresnelPower = 10.0; // Controls degree of reflectivity at grazing angles
const float F = ((1.0 - Eta) * (1.0 - Eta)) / ((1.0 + Eta) * (1.0 + Eta));
varying vec3 Reflect;
varying vec3 Refract;
varying float Ratio;
attribute vec3 normal;
uniform vec3 viewer;
void main( void )
vec4 worldPosition = calcWorldPos( gl_Vertex );
vec3 ecPosition3 = - viewer;//viewer -;
vec3 i = normalize(ecPosition3);
vec3 n = normalize( calcWorldVec(normal) );
Ratio = F + (1.0 - F) * pow((1.0 - dot(-i, n)), FresnelPower);
//Ratio = 1.0 - Ratio; // Add this line if your cube map is not based on the right side
Refract = refract(i, n, Eta);
Refract = vec3(gl_TextureMatrix[0] * vec4(Refract, 1.0));
Reflect = reflect(i, n);
Reflect = vec3(gl_TextureMatrix[0] * vec4(Reflect, 1.0));
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * worldPosition;