Community Roadmap - Alpha Depth Test
Revision History
Second Write, Sept 13, 2008
XML Shader code altered:
<TestConfig /> tag was removed and replaced with <AlphaTest />, <DepthTest />, and <AlphaToCoverage />
All tags have an "enabled" paremeter which determines whether they are active or not.
AlphaTest supports a "mode" parameter which may be, "less", "gequal", "lequal", "equal", or "greater". AlphaTest supports a "value" parameter which is a floating value that designates the comparison value for the test.
DepthTest supports a "mode" parameter which may be, "less", "gequal", "lequal", "equal", or "greater".
AlphaToCoverage now only functions if the EngineOption "Samples" is set to a value greater than 0, as it should.
Improvements All test modes are available. XML Syntax is simpler and quicker to read by humans.
First Write, Sept 12, 2008
Implemented Alpha test, Depth test, and Alpha to coverage. All modes default to the expected settings.
Using the syntax <TestConfig alphaTest="true" alphaMode="greater" alphaValue="0.5" depthTest="true" depthMode="less" alphaToCoverage="false"/>
Limitations Supports only GL_LEQUAL or GL_GEQUAL for the test modes. TestConfig tag is unintuitive for alphaToCoverage. It's also very longwinded for complicated testing.