Shading Technique - Palette Coloring
Explanation of the TechniqueBy definition palette recoloration is the use of defined colors that replace or modify any other colors within their specified domain. The best example in use is team colors in real-time strategy titles or the color variations of enemies in role-playing games. Example Fragment Shader
Explanation of the Fragment ShaderThis technique uses an RGBA blend map to define the regions and intensities at which the uniforms are used for color replacement. The uniforms can be thought as being RGBL (Red, Green, Blue, Luminance/Brightness). The principle concept is that the base texture is colored based solely by value (in reference to the "art" definition of value as being the variance of light and dark in a composition) or color that will be unaltered. The uniform is adapted to the value and then adjusted by its luminosity in order to enable proper adjustment of the value of the RGB color. To Do List for This Article- Cut down on esoteric terms or explain those that are esoteric |