Hi all,
for my computer graphics course I have to attach an already existing shader to the "Chicago" sample delivered in the Horde 3D framework using Visual Studio C++ 2008. The existing tutorial about pipelines is unclear how I add a shader to the code without getting all my screen black. When I follow other tutorials about shading I get a result as if nothing was done before, that is the usual phong shader.
I changed forward.pipeline.xml to toon.pipeline.xml according to the tutorial (
http://www.horde3d.org/wiki/index.php5?title=Basic_Pipeline_Tutorial) and also changed the pipeline ressource in my C++ call. The thing with the pipeline tutorial is, that it doesn't work for me. So I played around for a bit leaving my toon.pipline.xml as it was in the first place.
pipelines/globalSettings.material.xml looks like this:
<Shader source="shaders/toon.shader" />
<!-->Sampler name="ambientMap" map="textures/ambientMap.dds" /-->
shaders/toon.shader looks like this:
http://pastebin.com/m383559adI noticed that when I insert my toon shader code into the lighting part of the phong.shader it works. It's arkward not to find a link or a reference to phong.shader as I have to create a project with H3D (so there is a definitive lack of understanding) :( Does anyone of you have an idea what goes wrong?
Thanks for appreciation.