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 Post subject: Horde3D Model Viewer
PostPosted: 16.05.2007, 04:38 

Joined: 16.05.2007, 04:31
Posts: 3
Right, basically I am going to start playing with Horde3D by creating a very simple modelviewer.

Options to load in a model, view what animations they contain, play those animations. Place Lights (spot, ambient, directional etc)

Anything you would like to see let me know, also if anyone is interested in helping out let me know.

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PostPosted: 16.05.2007, 11:51 
Engine Developer

Joined: 10.09.2006, 15:52
Posts: 1217
Have you considered using C# and the .NET framework for creating tools? They give a great productivity boost for application development with complex GUIs. Some of the tools of commercial engines look like they were created with .NET. Also there is C#/.NET port of Horde3D available. The package contains the converted Chicago sample and has a simple model viewer. The viewer is really simple but could help to get you started.

The link for Horde3D .NET is


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PostPosted: 16.05.2007, 13:31 

Joined: 16.05.2007, 04:31
Posts: 3
yeah I use C# to develop all the tools at work, and from what I have seen and heard at GDC the majority of developers are using .NET to develop their tools.

2 problems with this are

1. How does the C# system interact with the C++ Engine
2. How do you keep the two in sync.

Now you can have a port of the engine which in essence gives you 2 versions of the engine. Or you can have the C++ Engine and the C# Toolset.

So how would you see the two working together? and have you any ideas on this?

[Edit] Ok looking at the Modelviewer, it could do with alot of work. I have no objection in working on it, and getting it sorted out. But I have one quetsion and it relates to the above, what would be the best way to link the engine directly to the C# code. I really would like to avoid issues with the engine going beyond the the tools.

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PostPosted: 16.05.2007, 21:40 
Engine Developer

Joined: 10.09.2006, 15:52
Posts: 1217
In Horde we have this C-style interface which is basically a wrapper around the internal class structure. With the next version we introduce a new integration library which makes it possible to hook your game classes directly into the Horde scene graph and conrol it using the standard C interface. If you don't want to use the standard interface you could also work directly on the internal classes but porting them to C# is of course much more work. Using the standard interface for a basic scene editing tool should work well. A harder problem is if you want live physics and similiar in your tools. Then you would have to port your complete game engine with physics library, AI, game control rountines and so on to C# which is hardly possible.

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