Thanks again Idris. I got no luck with the max exporter but some progress with the blender exporter and it looks like it works well.
The only issue left right now is how to play specific keys and run them frame by frame and maybe in a loop..
If I set specific morph keys like this it sets the frame and thats all
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.150", 1.0 )
If I add another morph target string and command, it blends up and I don't get the expected results for vertex animation.
Still trying to find any related vertex or morphing thread..
Edit: Maybe this is the proper way to do it, but I'm not sure and looks like it works
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.001", 1.0 ) //play first frame
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.001", 0.0 ) //reset blend to none
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.002", 1.0 ) //play next frame full blend
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.002", 0.0 ) //rinse
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.003", 1.0 ) //and
SetModelMorpher( _man, "Key.003", 0.0 ) //repeat