marciano wrote:
@Mark: That's great news!

Of course you can convert the sample to EU and publish it. And I am also happy if you write about it in the EU forums since publicity is what Horde needs most at the moment

Thanks Marciano! I'm almost done. Models now load and walk around, although some walk backwards! Mouse scene rotation and keys working. Only fps output to do and fix the backwards walkers and I'm done. [Edit: Backwards walkers fixed... needed to roll my own atan2 function using example code I found on the web.)
Regarding the fps output I have two problems. First one concerns the use of "QueryPerformanceCounter" which I will have to wrap. It takes a pointer to a "LARGE_INTEGER". How may bytes is that? 8? I think I'm going to have to allocate space for it and poke the bytes before passing the pointer to "QueryPerformanceCounter".
The second problem relates to "Horde3DUtils_showText". I've wrapped the first parameter as a pointer to a null terminated c-string using euphoria's "allocate_string(text)" function. I don't get any text output displayed. The following code in app.cpp looks "oo" to me...
// Show text
stringstream text;
text << "FPS: " << fps;
Horde3DUtils::showText( text.str().c_str(), 0, 0.95f, 0.03f, 0, _fontMatRes );
I take it "text.str().c_str()" isn't just a pointer to a simple c-string?
Any clues how I can do this? C++ isn't my strong point