Hello there,
i currently have a problem to get the param lifeMax from a particle.
My particles are getting loaded and they work like they should.
I tried the following:
lifeMax = Horde3D::getNodeParamf( nodehandle, ParticleEffectResParams::LifeMax );
But then lifeMax is returned as "-1.0737418e+008".
I also tried:
particleEffectRes = Horde3D::getNodeParami( nodehandle, EmitterNodeParams::ParticleEffectRes );
lifeMax = Horde3D::getNodeParamf( particleEffectRes, ParticleEffectResParams::LifeMax );
Which makes more sense in my opinion but particleEffectRes has the value "-2147483648" so that getNodeParamf can't work.
The particle is loaded a few lines before the above calls via:
nodehandle = Horde3D::addNodes( RootNode, ParticleResHandle );
So what am I doing wrong?
Hope someone is able to help me. Thanks