Nope, sorry, I just assumed because the website has LGPL on it that the license was set in stone a bit.
Although the thread itself didnt really come to any conclusions.
Seriously though, the LGPL license is REALLY becoming irksome to me using Ogre right now. Mainly because of all the DLL versioning issues (I teach game dev at a university and my students use Ogre in thier projects for instance). DLL's frankly are a pain in the arse and dont help when trying to port to a new platform (i.e. thinking of doing a port to iPhone? erm.. DLL's dont work!).
The question really is "what is the purpose of the engine". If its to create a group based development activity, then does having a more formal open license with commercial usage like MIT or BSD really hurt that? Sure someone could use the code commercially and not release anything, but frankly thats going to happen anyway (i.e. they'll simply go with another renderer instead if you dont let em).
I think youre more likely to get a few more professional developers using the engine if you use a different license. Which while it may not help if they dont release code (which may or may not happen), at least you'll have some more convincing demo's to put up as screenshots.
As an indie developer, I have a love of open source stuff. But open source that is really that.. open to commercial usage. I guess its just the concept of wether you care if someone uses your work to create profit. I'm happy to do that kind of thing myself (I'm going to release my Behaviour Tree pipeline as part of the next AI Wisdom book if they accept my submission), because I dont really care if someone else gets ahead based on my work. But I can see its an issue that needs to be decided by each person.
So I'd be interested to hear if there will be a switch to a friendlier license. Right now i'll continue using Ogre and work on the game engine code, but eventually I'll have to decide to switch (to be honest, its mainly just to render animated characters right now, so rolling my own wouldnt be so bad). I'd prefer to get involved with the H3D community and contribute to parts of the renderer when I get time, but that will really depend on the license.
BTW: I've used a lot of engines, commercial and open source. Nothing is EVER perfect